
I was there for the Saturday show, too. Had Golden Circle tix and was surrounded by some locals who thought I would be a fish out of water. Then they realized I knew all the words to ATLiens and it was like a vocal olive branch.

That was his point

I remember when Player's Ball dropped; I had just turned 16, riding around in a 1983 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Royale that I had busted my ass to save up enough money to buy. Driving back and forth to work after school and on weekends in Ocean City (I also grew up in MD) bumpin' that through some crappy stock speakers. I


I have used both and I prefer the PS4's UI. Ur the one that's starting to sound like a fanboy now.

Yes I prefer the PS4 over the X1 but contrary to popular belief that doesn't make u a fanboy.

This is just super meh to me. In fact it's pointless. I would rather pause the game and look through the achievement list manually EVERYTIME rather than play with a smaller screen size. I love my immersions when it comes to gaming. That's also why I don't really live stream either. I wished there was a patch where you

I feel like I've been seeing posts from Kotaku since the xbone came out about how each update improves the xbone experience. It seems like they are just desperate attempt to try and get people to think the console will magically perform better because some update. Note to users, you're still not going to get native

That's the thing about all those comparison videos on Youtube, you'd never notice the different unless you had both versions running side by side.

Basically, at the optional cost of playing a game at a slightly smaller screen size, you can now have a list of friends or Achievements—your progress in attaining them tracked in real-time—running on the right side of your TV. This moves Xbox One ahead of its rival consoles in terms of useful multi-tasking. All of the

Dear Jonathan Ive,

"Only 9 phones were reported as bent." They left out the part that 9,532 were reported as warped, 5,347 were reported as twisted and 32,053 were reported as curved with only 507 reported as tweaked.

I'm sorry but the iphone 6 + plus is clearly too weak to stand up to reasonable abuse. It'll work fine if you baby it but not if you don't treat it with kid gloves. The M8 has a convex back which makes it much more rigid.

I think people are not understanding how these phones are being bent. It's not skinny jeans... It is from people leaning against things while their phone is in their pocket.

thats fucking bullshit. 9 complaints? Please. Read the internet! They're either blatantly lying or, more likely, their customer service has been told to shut down complaints about the bending.

Everyone calm down. APPLE says it's okay.

I wonder how many people can't call Apple support right now to report that their phone is bent, because they updated.....

So Apple is going to make proprietary pants now?

I mean, it's not like they have a vested interest in releasing a press release that say anything else, right?

"Apple: for normal, everyday use" should be their new slogan.