
How’d you mean? You can use a tablet without needing a computer, you have to have a smart phone to use smart watch. The watch has no functions that the phone does not and therefore has no advantage. At least a tablet while lacking in processing power is very portable. A phone is also portable

Why even comment? Why visit a site you don’t like? Why tell a journalist to Fuck off for doing his/her job? Why be a troll? Why act like a douchebag?

Why in the name of fuck would anyone buy a smart watch? And I’m lumping android & apple here together. A smart watch has zero functions, you need a smart phone to use one, you need a smart phone on your person to use it. Without a phone, the only thing it can do is tell the time and it probably needs to sync with your

The Senz umbrella is pretty amazing. I have never had an umbrella do so well in gusting winds.

The Senz umbrella is pretty amazing. I have never had an umbrella do so well in gusting winds.

Entitlement is reserved for welfare and food stamp recipients.

It's easy when you have the average civilian terrified and cowering, they're too busy averting their gaze, so in that time you can do a lot of really fucked up shit until the mass calls out your bluff. Luckily the masses have slowly grown more compliant and ignorant so them catching on to the rouse is becoming less

lol silly civilian. don't you know they're ENTITLED

As punishment the two agents were made to promise they would never ever ever do anything like this again......for at least 90 days

His first name is Use-da - I think he's Yiddish.

I am shocked, SHOCKED that illegal activity is happening in Federal Law Enforcement!

Can we please have punishment raised substantially for all Government personnel who selfishly abuse their powers. (police included)

Lighten up, Francis.

I prefer to call it 'interplanetary liberation'

The first use of this technology might be for war, but I don't see why you couldn't use the technology this unlocks to mine the moon or asteroids.

A lot of new technology is military tech, simply because they have the funds for advances like this. Sticking your head in the sand won't make it any less of a reality.

I say stick to space stuff, which promotes the continued survival 0f our species, and not it's demise.

You may wish we'd developed laser cannons when we meet the Klingons...

Welcome to reality?

grow up.