
I own both cds and an ipod.. So do many people I know. Books aren't dead just because you can get them digital. . Surprise record stores still are around because people still like the sound of a record. To say it's dead is just wrong. To say it's changed sure but surely not dead. Get out of you basement stop buying so

You're forgetting one factor. When Microsoft was asked if they would have sales and massive discounts like Steam does, they had no answer, they dodged it. And because they dodged it, that means they had no plans to do so, its a common cooperate, dodge a question that will cause negative backlash.

Yeah dead just like music cds. Damn those people who still want to own something physical. Yeah digital is cool but to say physical is dead. Well that just makes you dead wrong.

Is the sky purple where you live?

Or you can just shut up and realize that the world isn't ready for an always online device. (NO device on the market is "always online." Not even your phone.")

There is no proof that the old XBox One would have ever become anything like a Steam console. That was all just conjecture on the part of fans and reporters wanting to see something where there was nothing

It's not about physical vs. digital. Digital is great when done right. All the baggage Microsoft proposed for the XBone was NOT digital done right. In as much as it's possible to own bits of data, I want to own my games and be able to do what I want with them, not be forced into a restrictive DRM scheme. That

It's only innovation when people have access to it.

And what's so bad about a physical copy? I prefer it physical a hundred times over digital. Saying that the DRM was pushing that boundary is completely stupid because both consoles will still implement and support it. Also features like sharing/trading games can be implemented at any given time so quit your whining.

No people were against it because it's extremely anti-consumer bullshit moron....Jesus you Micro$haft defenders are pathetic, they were literally trying to get you to pay 500 bucks to RENT an xbox one. there is nothing forward thinking about that...I'm sorry they are shitty as a game company and couldn't manage to

Explain to me how MS's DRM is better. You can't trade your games directly, you can't even give them away directly, you can't lend your game to someone. To sell/give away, you'd need to have the reciever as your buddy for a few months. Your cousin/friend/neighbor/butt monkey wants to borrow your game? Sure, just add to

PSN is going to be if you want to play online. You do not have to have it. You will also be able to use Netflix and all other third party programs with out the need to pay for PSN. You still get all of the PSN benefits from before as well. There is no forcing PSN, but there seem to be good reasons to have it anyways.

Don't worry they're not real. They're just trolls or jokers. Nobody actually wants DRM like this.

No, Microsoft was trying to put a system in place where they could royally fuck consumers and not have anyone be able to do anything about it. Anyone who thinks Microsoft's anti-consumer DRM bullshit would've been a move in the right direction is a fucking moron.

Nice try, Microsoft apologist.

lol. Keep dreaming.

But Sony has said they are not gonna use any online codes. EA is scrapping their online passes system. How can you possibly spin something nonexistent as them forcing it on you?

What exactly is still stopping microsoft from allowing you to trade digital games? If they wanted to they could still implement the exact same system.

I hate all these self-appreciative assholes who are coming out the woodwork, stating that the old Xbox was some sort of technical marvel, and stepping stones to the next entertainment milestone. And then they have the audacity to say those people who were against it were uninformed consumers. Fuck you, and fuck your