
People cheer for mediocrity. That was incredibly evident at E3. In MY opinion, a real "Gamer" is someone who actively searches for new and unique experiences. But maybe i'm just a douchebag elitist. Whatever, i know i won't be playing this, or ever owning an Xboner.

1. No they didn't. The closest they ever were was to filling some patents, but that really doesn't mean shit. It at most means they though about it, companies file patents for a lot of stuff that they never really end up using or focusing on.

he's one of them, GET HIM!

Looks like a weapon. You will never be able to bring it to a public school.

Just this last Saturday it reached 118°F here in Phoenix. You don't pick up coins from the ground with your bare hands, there is no hot/cold running water - just warm/hot. Never touch water from a garden hose - give it a minute. At 9 pm it's totally dark out, and it's still 110°F. Parked car in the sun? That's a kind

nuff said

Gutsy Move. You're a shark. Sharks are winners, and they don't look back because they have no necks. Necks are for sheep.

I like the cut of your jib. There's a place for peons like you at Magalomaniacal Industries.

I'm a concept guy. I leave the details to someone else.

All I have is this measly 1934...

Try logging on during a sale when Triple-A titles are 90% off, then try to convince me your argument still holds merit. ⌐.⌐

No matter how you spin it, this entire system would've 100% alienated people with little to no access to online capabilities. That's a MASSIVE f*ck you to literally hundreds of thousands of people just for your little utopia you speak of

Thank-you Jason. Kyle has a good idea of how things SHOULD work but has no idea how it WILL work. I appreciate that you writers actually take the time to read each others' articles sand comment on them. Now MS just needs to either tweak it's pricing or convince us why the new Kinect sensor is worth the $100 premium.

who's buying a xbox one that wasn't going to but now is because of this change

  • You also would have started getting a better return on your "used" games—because a license does not have to be resold at a diminished rate.

and here I was all excited to have a console war with some actual stakes.

Reaction to people complaining about anti consumer practices and any other industry: "Way to fight the good fight!"

Kyle, you're arguing that people should have taken a stick with no promise of a carrot in the future. Did Microsoft ever say anything about making games cheaper as a result of these policies? Anywhere? There is no reason for anyone to have just accepted this DRM in exchange for the hope that maaaaaaaybe Microsoft will

At least they were listening, I guess.

Lets take a look at all the things wrong.