
Fucking hardcore bro.

Because anybody who doesn’t like sociopolitical click bait clogging their videogame news is obviously alt right, lol.

Which forces me to ask- why is kotaku involved in the political spectrum? I just want to read about games. Politics pervade everything, yes- but it doesn’t have to be reported in interest pieces just to get a comment section jerkoff raging.

No, but kotaku tends to focus on social issues as much as gaming. It’s annoying to readers who actually come here for neutral videogame news when a good website slowly becomes a clickbaity array of issue pushing.

This is the problem. You guys are so desperate for a story like this to actually happen, that you fall for stuff like this. All to push a narrative.

Usually when they say things like that what they mean is “we fixed some exploits so you absolutely have to do things the tedious way”.

These...aren’t 8-bit graphics.

The cool thing is, if you get the Ocarina, you can play Daewon’s Song and speak to him if you need advice and you can even check out the Ed Templeton of Time at some point.

Yeah, this mission was painfully easy. It wasn’t hard to beat on my first try. I didn’t even realize you could fail it.

If you wear the full Shiekah armor set, you can walk around literally right behind him and he won’t notice a thing. You don’t even have to crouch with the set on. In fact, as long as you stay out of his line of sight, it’s hard to *fail* the mission with the Shiekah armor. What I’m saying is that if you don’t have the

Something I don’t see anyone mentioning yet is how perfect the Secret of Mana series is for the Switch’s pick up and play at a friend’s house thing they were going for. It and SD3 were the best couch co-op RPGs of all time.

I agree that the weapon isn’t worth the grind, but the Zora Trident totally breaks.

Are people actually enthused by this news? It’s still episodic, right? It’s probably coming out after Donald’s first term, right? Move along and give us a FF VI remake already, Squeenix, even if it is a 3DS version a la the FF IV DS version.

As a reformed PC guy, I can make that same argument about ps4 and Xbox one. There’s a total of 2 franchises that I’m interested in ps4 that I can’t get on PC and that’s Uncharted and The last of us. Everything else I can play on PC.

I don’t think you know what the word “Exclusives” mean. Wii U had more exclusives than Xbox One and PS4 put together.

Exclusives? The switch is the only system with Nintendo exclusives lol.

So what current systems do you own other than 3ds? No system meets the criteria you listed.

“someone with no interest in Mario or Mario Kart or Smash or anything else Mario-related” Why would someone like that buy a Nintendo system anyway?...

If there’s a multiplat games, there is zero reason to buy it on Switch when the graphical difference is as big..

What Memeology tells me is people put too much stock in stupid Internet memes.