
This shit is getting fucking absurd. It’s their creative property and they have a right to use it how they want. You don’t read a book or watch a movie with alternate male/female leads, because that is fucking stupid. The creator wants to portray a certain vision and part of his vision is having a male lead, and

Setting wildfires? Pushing boulders on people? Link confirmed menace to society. Probably going to harass some birds and smash some pottery too.

I can’t wait for the day when people can have an opinion like this and not be forced to apologize.

This joke was also in Super Star or Super Star Ultra I believe. So joke and reference!

Yeah, it’s a mobile game and therefore is not something to dedicate time to in the same manner as a console or handheld game. It’s a time filler and not much more. A game of convenience as it were.

In addition, Nintendo has announced that all the strongest legendaries can only be found in single specific locations, “to reward the true adventuerer.”

Did you expect more from a moble game? The real -meat- of Pokemon is always going to be the main series of games, which are released on Nintendo portables. Don’t plan on them porting over a main game to phones.

EVERY character gets the “what if it were a girl?” treatment? No, I don’t think that’s necessarily a good thing. Diversity is a good thing. Looking at every character and seeing if they should be female seems complete crazy to me. It’s rare that the gender matters at all in games (I mean storywise, not

“Because it doesn’t look fun.”- today’s college students were born right at the point Final Fantasy stopped being fun, and Square started thinking “we’re now way too expensive and important of a franchise to add frivolous things in our games like ‘fun’! Just make the graphics shinier! Pour in more money! And belts!”

Are people posting their SSN and pictures of themselves having sex with their cousins?

Fat white X design is gone. Below is EU version for comparison. JP ver. is much more awesome side by side.

They had a good core idea with the Human/AI/Mother Brain, but I’ve already beaten the dead horse with what I found flawed with the game. Even if I could look past the controls, for the 10% of the story that was interesting, 90% of it was daydream-y monologues about Adam. I’m being a little exaggerative, but still. A

“but since when does Metroid have a deeply explainable backstory?”

I don’t think Other M was that flawed in the gameplay department. The Story, however...

I came here to say this.

For a while I tried chain fishing, ended up with two shiny Qwilfish. Traded both of them off for legendaries. I’ve been getting back into it, but no new shinies yet.

For a last-gen console the Wii U’s graphics are great.

Don’t kid yourself, that will never be enough. Even when Nintendo had superior graphics (GameCube, aka their worst selling console) there was some other reason people wouldn’t buy their product.

How about that Vita?