
Only on Instagram. I'm not completely tasteless.

I don’t find the prospect of a company (like Facebook, or Twitter, or Instagram, or any other program that people splatter their business on all day without worry, KNOWING it is databased and sold) selling info to marketers nearly as scary as the depth of personal information that people are apparently privy to share

Ahhhh- I see. I glanced and saw the black background X, and I guess my impatient brain just saw the same thing. Thanks for the clarification.

But they are. The X is still the game’s insignia.

It's aesthetically ridiculous, but the more I look at it, the more fun it seems. Even with ugly SD federation characters, I wish it had a stronger exploration aspect- but I'm kind of tickled at the idea of Prime gameplay on my 3DS.

You know, that’s the very reason I’m not into comics anymore, and I hate most of the movies. I like continuity, but all of this reinventing “universe” stuff wore me out. When you have to specify which version of a single character you’re referring to, it shows a creator has done a disservice. Another reason I think

Pretty cool info! Indeed, I see much of Metoid’s back story and lore being a mix of fan-fiction, manga and speculation- hardly canon. Although fun to read and speculate on yourself, I have gotten in conversations with people who consider them canon, and it frustrates me. That’s why I often argue that in its day (which

I didn’t mention Prine because it was perfect. There was nothing bad in the original Prime. Even the parts that were hair-tearing difficult felt right. I don’t know how they went so wrong with 2 and 3.

Other M was better that Fusion, Metroid II and Primes 2 and 3. Boom. Game was actually great when you wipe away the fanboy tears and actually see what you're playing.


Just sign in once a week to Mynintendo, then go to the eShop and miiverse from a linked system once a week. That’s only 90 platinum points a week, though- and Zelda TP Picross costs 1000. Also, Wario Ware: Touched is on there for an additional 1000. Who knows how long they’ll be up there, though?

Duuuuuurrrrr- that's why all of my questions are nonchalantly answered with bad puns, food names and information about my last defecation. Even though Nintendo is realistically a company I'd have no problem telling my life story and handing my SS card.

I'll take anything!

BMW driver? He was driving like a cock to begin with!

I would've done chain fishing earlier if I knew how easy it was. Most of the Pokemon they place in abundance to fish are crap, but it still feels good to quickly snap a few up when you've wasted a whole day dexnav chaining with nothing to show for it. Plus, if you can nab a shiny feebas, which you can find an easy way

I never even saw a random shiny until gen VI, and 14 cartridges prior (that includes the gens before there were shinies, I know). My first was an electrike from a random horde. Since then, I’ve taken advantage of chaining, chain fishing and friend safari for a total of about 30 shinies- most of which are Pokemon I’ll

Yeah- I’ve covered that a few dozen times today. My mistake.

Well, if they release in March and don’t have the artillery ready, then that’s doubly stupid. I’m not saying failure, but they’ll definitely be at a loss from both their consumers AND their investors. That’s a mess they’d better be prepared to deal with, ha ha.

Agreed. Best Buy is the pits. Toys R Us would be a much better choice if they wanted to go some route. But anyway, I'm always cool to watch from my phone or computer and just read the reaction articles later in the day.

Oof- it was so irritating. I also couldn't stand the sounds coming out of the remote speaker. Creepy.