Kevin Camp Photo

Did they get a 5 year old with a ruler to draw it up?

This is what happens when the decision makers have no idea who their entry level customers are because they were either never one or it was far too long ago for them to remember. Its classic dumbass business decisions by folks who have their jobs because of who they know and not because they are good at any aspect of

Just about any form of motorcycle racing is a game of how long can you rebound from the injuries before your body or your mind or your will to grind it out fails. I wish him all the best and happiness in his next endeavors.

Another racer similar.. Masten Gregory.

In case you have not noticed, none of them really give a shit about the environment beyond it being a talking point to sway voters. It amazes me that anyone believes any of the nonsense spouted out by these hypocrites. It really drives home the insane number of people desperately willing to be lied to and gleefully

Exactly. Why would anyone want to have to climb up on top of their effing truck. Is it the cute factor? It’s certainly not the critter factor, a bear would have an issue with getting up there. Makes no sense at all. 

Yay!! Another vanilla two box subcompact car on tall tires. Just what we needed to help our days seem brighter. 

I always figured that the people who make movies and shows about cars have never really driven one and learned everything they know from old episodes of Dukes of Hazzard. The last movie I saw that really got racing right was Driven and I think and they did so by concentrating on the characters and not stupidly made

Claiming it can rally by sliding about on a huge empty gravel lot is one thing, doing that on a tree lined twin track at miss-and-die speeds is another.

Definitely not vanilla transportation any more, now it’s just ugly transportation.

Looks like the strap got pulled into the wheel and the steel buckle caused all the sparking. Gotta love these dodgy ass shops and their worn out safety straps.

Ummmm. Just about everything we consume, use and touch is made of plastic, has plastic or plastic by-products in it or is packaged in plastic. So, I guess that applies to just about everything.

Like most said, it’s a GM V8 sound, which is fine. I didn’t expect it to sound like a race car, this is a Grand Touring machine after all. From what I did see it looked like it wanted to turn in to the corners and it certainly did not lack for giddyup coming off the corners. Of course Farah could have been at 7/10s

Caterpillar IT 986 Integrated Tool Carrier with 33k side boom mounted. Worked at a shop where we made add-on kits for pipeline laying.

Actually the speed and power of this car is appropriate. Most hot rods of this style are actively seeking to kill the owner/driver when a high powered engine is installed. That’s why you always see them cruising about slowly while being driven.

$30k for a green that makes your killer Ford GT look like a cheap plastic toy? Great job. Some people should be allowed to own cool things.

In all honesty, the major manufacturers have zero excuses. Not one. Not one of them produces an EV anywhere close to what Tesla has done and continues to do. Most are in fact glorified golf carts in comparison. For a buyer looking to save money on fuel, they do not need hyper-performance. They need good range and

Unless you are building on a rare platform, these bikes are unfortunately rarely worth the components and labor required to build them correctly. I love the aesthetic, but I must say Crack Pipe. 

There is a difference between quick and fast. The Vette will be geared to get some top speed in runs longer than 1/4 mile and that will cause it’s top speed at the strip to suffer.

In Tulsa, Oklahoma downtown they have added biking lanes, but they place them against the curb and place parallel car parking spots outside them, so the parked cars become a buffer against moving traffic. That’s not to say that accidents do not occur because many people, drivers/passengers and cyclists are not paying