Kevin Camp Photo

You do realize they do not plan on doing what they demand everyone else do? A bit of the Marie Antoinette attitude. 

Did anyone needs Amazon for that? Well, I guess the party honks do...

On a humid day you can see the sound waves ripple the air from a top fuel car or boat.

I think its less of “no one wants a small compact car” and more of “there’s not enough margin in them” like there is in SUVs. Essentially they are the same platforms, but with taller suspension, taller tires and and extra $10k to the price tag.

There are some interesting physics involved. Not sure on the smaller bikes, but on the bigger bikes braking pressure can exceed 130lbs (50+ kg) grip strength on tracks like Philip Isle where the straight is very long and downhill to a tight corner. These guys are all small but with a high strength to weight ratio or

Its all lip service anyway. None of the programs they espouse have any teeth. At the end of the day, whoever gets in office will take the big corporation money and either shut up about it or blame the opposition and cry “We tried but those evil ones across the aisle sold you out!” Meet the new boss, same as the old

Lewis is one of the all time greats. But he is also like most athletes who showed greatness very young, He’s been spoiled and catered to all his life. He’s always had the best things to help him go the fastest. He’s made great decisions on the teams to be with in his F1 career because without the best team you are an

Best way to destroy a business, hire more overhead, have less people producing. 

Just about every automaker has moved to creating premium vehicles or sub-compact vehicles billed as premium. There are virtually no entry level automobiles and for damn sure no entry level trucks being offered. The cost of living has pretty much far outstripped most wage increases so new vehicles are becoming luxury

He wouldn’t have found his car if that was my lawn. 

He’s in The Danger Zone of course.

Color me impressed, and I am not a GM beige fan. Looks the part, even with some parts bin pieces on it, proper amount of horsepower and they actually putt it on a diet. How every forward thinking of GM. Price will sell these alone.

Guaranteed everyone who says this rides their brakes around those long sweeping corners their grandma could take at 100 mph with the cruise control on.

If you are not exploiting the letter of the rules to the last degree, you aren’t trying and you are not winning.

An article that will quietly go away as the powers that be demand silence. Privilege has been going for many years, money rules because money makes the rules. 

Thats a $500 car.

This is always the case when one team or individual completely dominates a sport. If you cannot beat them on performance, complain until you get your way. F1's biggest problem is the manufacturers. The “formula” is the problem. It’s setup for the top teams to succeed, not for a level playig field or fair play.

A Ute is a member of a tribe of Native Americans from the Utah area.

Recipe for Success as an Automaker in the US:

I was hoping that was Christian Bale playing famous redass Ken Miles. I like this cast.