Kevin Camp Photo

More and more, bigger and badder looking, anything for the small penis crowd. Please exclude yourself from this group if you regularly haul or tow large things and need a big ass truck. We all know the coal rollin’, tiny penis crowd is the majority of buyers for these monstrosities that come with a medium sized

Poor design, poorly constructed, over priced. That’s all you need to know about Jeep.

This had to especially exasperating for a driver like Jackie Stewart was known for being super smooth and not a wild man racer. I must agree with him about that cockpit, that coaming up the drivers chin was terrible

Just get those carbs off there and mount up a mechanical fuel injecti0n and you got something.

Because most of the Americans who own cars like this in the US can barely drive in a straight line. That’s why.

When you seea CEO of this magnitude get arrested for not paying his taxes, then you know what he really failed to do was pay off his politicians. 

I understand if someone wants to be upset about Formula 1 and its business practices. Obviously it’s not how I want things to be either. But also consider this, your phone and computer and clothes and shoes and most of our other consumer goods come from countries like this and are often sold by huge conglomerate retail

As a whole, RVs are held to FMVSS (Federal Motor Vehicle Saftey Standards) same as every other vehicle but they are also classified as recreational and limited use vehicles unlike medium duty trucks and school buses. So the standards are lowered in many ways.

The rectangular headlight has got to be the worst design iteration for the automobile ever. Works ok for utility vehicles and trucks but horrid for cars.

GM would never abandon the Corvette faithful.” Ha! They’ll kick you to the curb in a Heartbeat. 

An interesting bike, good looks. But as many have said, who do they sell this $25-30k bike to? Open-pipe-Harley-guy is the same as fart-can-on-a-Pontiac-Sunfire-guy and coal-rolling-monster-truck wannabe-guy and $10k-booming-stereo-in-a-$5k-beater-guy. They all want to be seen as cool, even though they never are. This

My sister owned a Yugo, replaced it with a Chevy Chevette... so you are correct, the Yugo is not the worst. 

No problem with being unhappy about missing the pole, but use that energy to kick every one’s ass in the race, not be a pouting assbag about it. The fact that daddy has to talk him down tells a lot about his mental strength or lack there of. 

This is the British equivalent of Effin’ A.

You aren’t getting old because you are 30, you are getting old because you essentially want a Camry. 

It’s far cheaper to subcontract those tasks out to speciliast companies or buy those companies outright than hire in-house specialists. Especially when those specialists are in India or South Korea; high tech but lower overhead countries. 

Most of the aluminum foundries I haver worked in stopped using alectro-arc or submerged arc melting furbaces in favor of natural gas. Unless you need to control the oxygen content in the furnace, the cost savings is astronomic

Most aluminum smelting/processed in the US is already recycled. Unless you need specific grades for a part, recycled aluminum is the go-to material when buying aluminum. 

Could mistake thes eimages for the McLaren plant. Would be a joy to work there.