Kevin Camp Photo

I don;t think anyone called it open wheel racing. Just Formula E.

Cheaper for them to make, but not cheaper for you to buy. This is done for profit only.

Tha will never be a component of their thought process. They are the same folks who buy a new $1000 cell phone every year because its pretty.

In the biography of Mark Donahue, he talked at length about the 917 Porsche’s he raced for Penske. The first thing he did when they arrived at the shop was run one on the skid pad to start setting up the suspension, and promptly broke the front suspension upright on the outside front tire as it was built too lightly

No matter what changes get made, and this one has little or no effect on anyone other than the top 3 teams, F1 still caters to the whims of the top manufacturers. F1 is not broken, it’s exactly how Ferrari, Mercedes and Red Bull want it. They spend the most money, they swing the biggest sticks, and they get what they

That’s what those hitch mount wire mesh tailgates are for.

In many states you are required to transport them outside the cabin. This is why.

The reality is they can aell you a Focus chassis that’s lifted up, with more tech features of dubious capability and quality and upcharge you $10k.

Spend half a billion dollars to field two front running race cars for a season, no big deal to hire industrial espionage experts to look for and steal secrets at every opportunity.

It looks like an amalgam of most mid-engine GTs except with the back end of the current Vette. Obviosuly packaging of driveline and occupants being the major limiting factor there is not a lot of design room to work with. I do appreciate the direction to create the race car first and build the road car based on it.

That’s good for the folks involved if the team is pro-bono. Unfortunately in most cases liek this, the lawyers take the lion’s share of the monies.

At the end of the day, the homeless dude will most likely still be homeless, scumbag couple will have to pay all court costs, and the majority of the money will get siphoned off by the attorneys.

Amen! A car that lets you be fast if you know how to drive.

People keep spending $40k plus on SUVs in this country, many who either cannot afford them outright or are marginal economically. Yet they keep buying them. And the automakers, being in the business to make money and forever looking for that edge over their rivals, will add more useless crap to their vehicles and

Crashes like these make me remember the ones by Krosnoff and Moore. Glad Wickens is ok and hopefully in the next few days he recovers without any additional issues. Sometimes these crashes take time for the brain to develop more problems.

I would still have 3.5 mile walk to my office after bing dropped at the closest bus stop. Not really a huge distance, but sucks if its coming a deluge like this morning or you are on crutches.

They didn’t need to tour a Ford plant, or even a Toyota plant. They need to tour their own plant. 

Don’t forget to add $10k to the price as well. Because suckers are born every minute.

Brabus: how to spend twice as much money on half a car with the same horsepower as a base model Kia. Suckers are born every minute.

Chevy truck for ya. Might have dropped too many loads of pavers into the bed from 6 feet up demonstrating how tough the steel bed is compared to a Ford.