Kevin Camp Photo

Almost all European tracks have pretty draconian sound decibles rules these days.

Find Mad Max the movie. Enjoy.

When budgeting for a car, don’t forget to factor in full coverage insurance in you are not carrying it on your current paid for car. That could be anywhere from $75 to $200 a month additional on top of your payment depending on your insurance rates.

Is it because its cheaper to just run an ad scroll for the three advertisers they have than interrupt the show?

Its not just Chinese or any other ethnicity. Its most fucking people these days. They will just give anyone a driver’s license if you pay the fee.

Its not just Chinese or any other ethnicity. Its most fucking people these days. They will just give anyone a driver’s license if you pay the fee.

Just as he slides into the bar ditch, that’s the inside of that corner.

The technical term for that is “Cut”

Everyone who lives and drives near big hills and mountains are laughing now.

You could always start a bonfire with it.

Just what is needed, a $45k sorta-truck for the sorta-truck owning folks.

What is the over-under on these things breaking down before you have a crash in autonomous mode?

In the world of Midget racing, the very small 150 ci wingless sprint cars, it used to be common to run 1/2 of a Pontiac 326 V8 in a V4 configuration. They literally sawed the block in half, made a plate to block the open water jacket and replumbed it. Cut down a crankshaft the same way and you had a 150 ci V4 engine

Anyone who has been a race fan since the days of CART is very familiar with the incompetent levels of ESPN/ABC Sports broadcasting methodology. They will undermine and submarine open wheel racing at every opportunity. This is par for the course with these guys. After all, they would much rather put on another program

Oh the hell of the classic Mopar camel interior. This car would make a good low key hot rod except for the extra doors.

Then he gets towed.

Depending on the state, the law reads “Proof of Financial Responsibility”. That does not mean it must have insurance, it means that the owner is guaranteeing they can be financially responsible for damages to other’s property and persons in the use of the vehicle. For most of us with a lower limit on financial

And here we go, the usual ESPN crap they pull every time. Basically they hide the programming so you will miss it, then compain about how its just not popular enough in America as they did with CART and the IRL.

If this is a testing phase, then why is trafic allowed to to cross under? This is a case of negligence.

You go all the way to Japan to eat at KFC? What next? El Chico’s?