Kevin Camp Photo

I think has more to do with Cadillacs being an over priced, tarted up Malibu with quality issues.

And to boot, the Red Bull has the Renault engine and is setting best lap times. Not sure that McLaren has the same evolution of enginesas Red Bull, but they aren’t two or three generations behind. I think Honda made some improvements, but it does appear thatMcLaren is still struggling. Guarantee you permanent red-ass

Vehicles liek this are legal on the street in Oklahoma with proper tags and tires, but not for highway or turnpike usage.

Lets drop a pallet of bricks from 8 feet high in that bed please.

If ESPN chops it up? They chop up everything they do. After all, you need to drop all those ads for those pathetic pundit programs they run with useless talking heads.

As a mechanical engineer and product designer I undertand the massive engineering undertaking that goes into an F1 car. But sometimes, engineers get off the reservation and fall deep into a rabbit hole they cannot see clear of. The HALO system is the exactly this. Driver’s get accused of out-braking themselves when

I say this all the time! A full hipped car like the Javelin needs a taller sidewall in my opinion, same as a Chevelle. Otherwise it looks ike a hippo in ballerina shoes.

Great. That means the program will come on about 1 second before the cars get the green light and leave the program as soon as they cross the finish line at the end. After all, ESPN has to get their manadatory 23 hours of daily editorial talk shows and screaming moronic talking heads programming.

Where its proper to mount wipers on the side windows because you need them there.

Where its proper to mount wipers on the side windows because you need them there.

Lawyers won, everyone else got screwed. Thats how litigation truly works.

What I meant this vehicle is more useful than a pickup truck as a utitlity style vehicle uintil you need to haul something “really heavy”, like beyond this vehicles tow/cargo rating. I live in a state where trucks probably outnumber cars on the road, and many are bought specifically to haul and tow large heavy

Much more useful than any truck any of them build unless you need to tow something really heavy.

Same problem with a Hi-Torque starter for GM V8s. The standard starter for a truck block BBC 454 is a generic starter, usually good enough to do the job, but when you are running a 15:1 compression alcohol injected 454 in a race boat, you go for the optional hi-torque, lower geared starter that was an option for

The hit to their CAFE numbers would be mitigated by produicing very few of these special editions, another thing Porsche does often.

The compact SUV of the motorcycle world, but without the trunk.

Not a millenial, but also not carrying debt. The initial cost of a new vehicle has so far exceeded the value of the vehicle it has made buying new a bad business decision. You see full size truck sell ads in the midwest offering $12k to $15k off the MSRP and the vehicle is still worth less than that after you drive it

I love cars. I love interesting cars. But I would rather die a horroble death than sit thru 5 minutes of this televised auction and listen to these guys drone on and on. This makes golf and bowling look intersting on TV.

Does anyone think the sun would not lose mass? The rate of mass loss would be far more important.

I would imagine they run a Judd V10 for the runs and keep the original engine for resell.