Kevin Camp Photo

How to completely ruin a proper classic super car...

That’s true, AWD systems are available but usually not the standard issue, so it’s expected to pay an upgrade for assitional driveline, but those price out $20k above the price of the subcompact car the compact SUV is built on.

Of course compact SUVs depreciate massively, they are overpriced to begin with. They are essentially slightly taller subcompact cars that normally sell for $8k to $13k less. Small SUV buyers are buying a subcompact car with 1" longer shocks and 1" bigger tires for 70% more. Not too bright in my opinion.

Resume your career then, 120 film can be purchased re-spooled on 620 spools and I have re-rolled 120 film onto 620 spools when I have the urge to shoot an old Kodak.

Kodak has a history of doing things that eventually caused their demise in the industry. Before the popularity of 35mm film, 120 medium format was the common sized film. Kodak developed a special spool for their 120 film (the 620 spool) to assure competitor’s film would not fit into their cameras. Of course, the other

By far the worst plastics in any car.

The automotove industry already caters to those who can afford it. Pickup trucks are still built pretty as they always were, as ladder frames with sheet metal bodies mounted on rubber isolators. Not a whole lot of technological breakthroughs going on here but they are also some of the most expensive vehicles offered

Easy fix... make it a 4 way stop.

This is pretty common in east Texas where my parents live, so many of the roads in the county were originally oil-topped dirt roads built by oil companies to get to well sites and rigs that do not have a proper road bed built under them. The surface was just enough that the workover rigs and service vehicles could get

Its hard to get too excited about a super efficient car that costs twice more than a cheap ICE car. The whole point for me is to save money on fuel, not just give it away in monthly payments.

Photography is always about the Decisive Moment no matter what your genre or speciality.

Recalls are never really free. My car is my only source of transportation, so if I take it in, and the dealership is not going to give me a car to use, then I am stuck renting a car for the 3 to 4 days they are keeping my car. Thats about $100 for the cheapest crapcan you can rent in most places.

The reasons why motorcycing is more common in Europe is not too hard to understand. The cost of fuel alone makes it a viable option, also remember that the majority of Europe is farther north than the majority of the states in the US. In Oklahoma on a summer day where we have no clouds at all for the entire day the

Owners/drivers need to hope the rear fender skirts on the tractor can withstand a 150 lb tire tread coming at at highway speeds.

Obviously traffic laws help promote some form of sanity and reduce chaos on the road, but they are regularly enforced as a way to levy a tax that was not voted upon by the poeple or by a representative that was elected by the people that are being taxed. Taxation with representation through the arbitrtary imposition

Not dense so much as literal. Breed would have its own negative connotation for sure. But I don’t rally see a need to differentiate people by other than their nationalities myself. That would a separatoion by language and creed.

Obviously the term Breed when referencing humans brings up another implication, but simple terminology used by people who raise the animals by bloodline and physical attribute. Do we really need a term to differentiate people?

So, are German Shepherds, Chihuahuas and Cocker Spaniels all different races? No. They are dogs. We are all Homo Sapiens. Homo Sapiens can be found in hairy versions, relatively hairless versions, light colored and dark colored, tall and short, just like most other animals that live across the globe. Our environment

The crash reasons can generally be combined into INCOMPETENCE.

Wolves are opportunistic hunters and can easily take down solo humans in packs, something much simpler than taking on a fast moving herbivore like a deer. They will also prey on livestock and farm animals for the same reason instead of deer. Same with bears and mountain lions, part of the reason they’ve been hunted