Kevin Camp Photo

Exactly right. The single limiting factor here is the light duty vehicle chassis being used. Even though it is the heavier version of the van/truck chassis, it’s alllc ompromised by the behicle being used. I worked in school bus manufacturing engineering for several years and the reason why school buses are built as

Its my contention that the people who design, market and make the final decisions on automotive design do not actually own and drive a car like their consumers do. It certainly seems that way. Stupid ergonomics that force you to stop paying attention to driving to cycle through menus to make the simplest of

Flying low over water is hazardous because you have no visual cues to your altitude other than your altimeter. No trees, no mountains or hills, no buildings or any other vertical objects that are easy gauges for your relative altitude. That’s why its dangerous for new pilots who are not used to flying by instruments

The impetus behind this is the Texas Auto Dealers Association I would hazard to bet. They are powerful lobby in the state and always looking to “legally” screw over the citizen with the complicit help of all the politicians in the state.

Lets get through the spin and marketing speak... Ferrari are threatening to quit if the series doesn’t cater to them. F1 is not about competition, it’s about domination. Mercedes, Red Bull, Ferrari and to a lesser degree McLaren all enjoy a massive technological advantage over the minnows and they will work diligently

Not religion, its people. The worst thing that ever happened to this world is mankind became the top of the food chain.

I’ve worked in manufacturing for 35 years now, from a lowly die repairman to a toolmaker to a tooling/mechanical designer. The single biggest stumbling block in the US is the constant us versus them mentality between manufacturing and product management. All on the same team, but not pulling in the same direction.

Everytime I see these on the road I think two things... Wow. That looks like a $90k Hyundai Santa Fe... and for a few bucks more (relatively when considering a near $100k vehicle) you could have just got a 911. Of course some may think, but the 911 only really seats two. Yes you are right. You ain’t going with me.

One more reason to not handle your financing through the dealer.

Let’s be honest, this is where we could go... but in the end we will make more lozenge shaped, beige mobile SUVs because we want you all to die of boredom.

Per the letter of the rule, he gained a direct advantage over a direct rival by placing all four wheels outside the racing surface. When looking at the race as a whole most everyone was regularly using the asphalt outside the curbing as much as possible and even if its not in a direct overtake, its still an advantage.

Piss poor design and running smack without having done anything. That’s all I saw for the first three minutes and tuned out.

I’ve worked in manufaturing for almost 35 years. I worked at a die casting plant in Texas that made parts for one of the large automotive A/C compressors that supplied many of the import brands as well as certain domestic brands. We made the same exact parts they also made in Japan and shipped to Dallas for machining.

I am on the fence, I know why Unions were created, but they have blown past their mandate a long time ago. In Illinois for example, you MUST pay the Union dues and be a member but like most elections in this country, you really have no say in who runs it or what their agenda is. And Union exccs get paid no matter if

As a former 1965 Austin-Healey Sprite owner, I know exactly what you mean. Kudos on your dad keeping true to faith of the car.

Weight reduction? Or just cheap ass manufacturers looking to cut any corner?

He doesn’t love to listen to his music, he loves for you to listen to his music. And almost guaranteed, what he listens to is most likely not music. I do find it hilarious that his stereo is probably valued at twice that of his PT Cruiser.

Looking at the front and rear overhangs, it could be a GM product.

I wondered if it would be a simple action flick set in the Bladerunner universe, good to see it has that slow building gravity of the original, where mundane things are often lingered on. Even though that will drive most of this generation crazy as they expect the plot fo move along.

No. Not saying that, because I see a lot of rigs liek this towing race trainers and horse trailers too. But probably 60% are used like a car. Never towing or hauling anything other than 3 or 4 people.