Kevin Camp Photo

You mean all those cars at a used car lot don’t have one or more things wrong with them?

Not to be glib, but the poorest tend to suffer in any event or instance, good or bad.

That’s every third truck you see in Texas or Oklahoma. And only 1 out of 20 of them have ever had anything in the truck bed or hitched to the bumper.

My night vision is not particualrly good and I manage to avoid road debris, potholes and other 3500 pound automobiles at night on my way home from work. I would bet he was not paying attention.

Interesting how so drivers many avoided the car, changing lanes even, and dude just drove into it completely unaware.

Says a lot about team management. Certainly Palmer has not performed as well as he or the team would have liked, but there has also been plenty of faIlures on the team side too. If the team prinicipal is not willing to communicate directly with the driver, then what does that say about the rest of the team?

This has styling, something we have not had in automobiles in nearly 50 years.

Why not just drive it with a 35hp Deutz diesel motor designed for water pumps?

I love how it’s required or at least encouraged to dress for the ocassion too. Like a time capsule event.

I get the major metro infrastructure builds, but its also not where the problem really is. Most fo the folks in maor cities, especially in the Northeast are doing long commutes or long driving excursions like those in the midwest or west. Obviously the population density requires more chargers, but those cities also

Is the electric system being provided by Lucas? (as is Lucas, Prince of Darkness). If you’ve ever owned a pre-80s British car you’ll understand.

My dad served as flight engineer in the Navy aboard P3C Orions, that’s the middle seat job. It’s his job to manage the engines while the pilots manage direction and altitude.

Are they still flying the P3 Orions? Damn great aircraft.

It’s only attractively cheap when comapred to other electric cars that are vastly over priced. I would consider an electric car if it was priced according to where it falls as compared to other cars of similar size and capability ie: Honda Fit/Nissan Versa/Toyota Yaris, that are all about $15 to $12k cheaper with near

I don’t eat many bugs, because I can afford not to.

Most race car drivers call it “mechanical sympathy”. Coax as much out of the car as you can without breaking it. Max tends to just drive it until he breaks it, which has been far too early for him this season.

Houston is also at sea level. The water table, or water in the soil is only a couple of feet below the surface, so even if there was no concrete, the water would still sit ont he surafce as th eground is already full all the time. SO, with no lower areas for water to drain into and the already constant saturation of

Most likely you can take New Jersey Transit is run by corrupt morons and just say (Insert any state name here) is run by corrupt morons.

Big tire recoil when he lifted off it seems. Rear hopped and he lost control.

One of the hardest selling points for the typical Equinox buyer is they won’t appreciate getting dirty hands and stinking like diesel fuel after a fill up.