Kevin Camp Photo

What DeWayneV8 said. Every manufacturer is looking to spur electric drive development, even if it is to simply add more power to their current perol engine line.

The first thing Liberty did was step out of “bitter old get-off-my-lawn old man” mode they had always been in. The drivers are the visible stars of the series. They can do mroe to sell F1 to more people than anyone else... ever. Now that they are bing allowed to come out of the dark ages social media wise you see an


Personality? Pedigree? 1959 Bugeye Sprite

Thank you for this. His death has really meant very little to anyone except hard core motorcycle racing fans and racers in this country.

Its not just automotive industry, I’ve worked 35 years in manufacturing design and engineering from tooling to finished parts to heavy machinery. Its not particularly hard to design the most amazing and beautiful device. It’s hard unglamorous work to design something that is functional, reliable, durable,

DAMN RIGHT! First thing I think of, is that effing squeaky dash in my co-oworkers brand new $50k pickup. My ‘08 Honda fit with 178k miles on it is quieter.

I think the design brief has been to take the 911 up to true Grand Tourer and allow the Cayman and Boxster to be the sports cars. Seems like it’s become so refined that the ornery is gone. The hooligan is wearing a suit and sipping tea insted of a lager.

Pulling for the guy. One of the truly good people in the international racing scene.

Too much curb, too much trailing throttle oversteer, not enough suspension compliance, dripped over its own dick.

They make a supposition, this is supposed to spark further investigation into the facts to support or disprove the supposition. However, this is the press, the only oversight on them are their advertisers, there is very little journalistic integrity these days in mainstream media and 100% for sure there is none in any

Ave Imperator!

Alonso shows why he is a two time World Driving Champion and why he is regarded so well in racing circles. In the interview after he remarked at how wide the track looks on TV and how narrow it really is when you are travelling at 220+ mph. Also, his truly honest comments on how in his first laps out, his rational

Obviously with streaming content taking awau subscribers, this is a large part of the problem faced by ESPN. The other part... is the entire network sucks. Its all crappy talk/hype shows any more. The only thing more boring than watching a baseball game on TV is the ESPN incessant programs featuring a cadre of retired

Congrats on living out every fan’s dream!

Motorcycle racing and most racing series on dirt (WRC, Sprint cars, etc.) are the only series left where the racer can make the machine do more than it should through effort and balls. The MotoGP races are full on sprints. And as if to top it off, you can visually spot the rider picking up the pace, getting on the

Looked very much like all the other car builder shows they make. Of the builder shows only Wheeler Dealers and Bitchin’ Rides seem to actually be building something worthwhile, and not hacking and slashing a bunch of crap together.

Past history is always fodder for editorializing the target of an article, perhaps a little past history of the person writing the article can shed some light on why it is being written or why it is written in a certain way.

Nightmare at the drag strip? Not really. There are plenty of machines at most drag races as fast or faster or with much more power. A nightmare on the street? Yes. Because bro Demon owner is going to crash it, maybe into you.

As a group, people with money do not face the same justice as people without money. History shows this.