Kevin Camp Photo

Salads.. what I feed the things I want to eat.

True. For an EV it is a good deal, but its also an automobile, and as such it’s far less of a deal. I compared it to the Fit because they are a similar size, and footprint.

Don’t get me wrong, I do not hate the car or the idea of an electric car, because if that car sold for $20k without a government kickback, I would be a player. What I see is shifting the monetary savings to someone else. I saved X amount of money by not buying fuel and oil, and instead of keeping it, I gave it to a

And that makes much more sense to me.

The whole point about buying a subcompact car for efficiency is it should be efficent and affordable to own. The Bolt gets the efficient part correct. But fails on affordable. A car that is basically the same size as the Honda Fit that costs twice as much is not going to do that. By my estimation it would take 8-9

It is a law in most states that require any commercial vehicle to stop and look before crossing a railroad track, regardless if it has a crossing barrier or not.

It seems like the want NASCAR to become baseball. Long drawn out processes, ritualistic and at the end of the day about some data gathering concept instead of simply racing. Is the point to make the championship chase so complicated mathematically that this somehow generates interest? TV revenue will not be there for

Let’s see... neuter the racing with homongenous cars, a hoard of new tracks that do not promote good racing, races that are easily twice as long as they need to be (boring) and rules that favor the “show” over real racing. Is there any wonder ticket sales and TV viewership is down, even among the hard core fans?

If you are not a member of the accredited press I encourage you to go an try, you will told by security to cease and desist, under any number of reasons including: Homeland Security issue, photography is not permitted here, etc. I know, I have been told these things and asked to leave.

The courthouse is owned by a city, a county, the state or the Federal Government. All property is owned by a person or legal entity. Private individuals, companies, counties, states and the fedearal government. There is no “public” property. I’m a professional photographer, I know this because it affects how and where

While I agree, the building is private property, even a courthouse, and the ownership can make reasonable demands. On the street, thats fair game.

Hard to tell from the video, but it appears the TSX did not have brake lights. He obviously slowed drastically as he ran up on the car ahead but not much taillight is visible. It also looks like the bike was chasing? Maybe racing the car and didn’t notice the closure rate causing him to hit the TSX. Hard to say

Needs the gymbal stabilizing harness to complete it. Great prop weapon.

The horsepower war is kind of the “my penis is bigger than yours” game, but none of them are having any sex.

Interior quality for GM products is not just the Camaro or the budget line cars, one of my bosses just spent over $50k on a 3/4 ton GMC 4 door, 4 wheel drive pickup with every bell and whistle they offer. The grab handles had enough parting line flash on them to cut your hand and felt like a piece of a knockoff lego

There will be many GM products on this list as every brand within the family got the same vehicle and simply re-badged, mounted their own plastic molded bumpers and slightly altered the interior appointments. It becomes one big beige era of malaise. Same with Ford/Mercury/Lincoln.

This is the guy who got beat up a lot in school, and probably still does by his wife.

Not bad luck... incompetence more like it.

It stands to reason that he planned this from about mid-season onward. Go out on top, enjoy the wife and kiddo and hold a big middle finger up to Hamilton. In the end he will be remembered as a good racer, never great, a World Driving Champion, and will laugh and smile about it while enjoying a cocktail on a beach

Last I saw, social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Google+ (if you count it), Twitter and others are free to use.