Kevin Camp Photo

When you pay too much for a vehicle that has a huge depreciation, which today is all of them, then this is the result. Did no one listen in high school economics class?

To be honest, who really cares if it has an electric mode only? You are not buying one of these cars because its efficient or has a smaller carbon footprint. You buy one of these because you have the skill to drive a car more powerful than most race cars... or need to compensate for your little penis.

OK. Who lost the bet? Lexus? Or West Coast Customs?

This is all good, but the difference between youtube video clips and a movie is all in editing.

You realize in the US alone, all you need is a 5th grade level education to get a diploma. The intelligence of an 11/12 year old is all that is required. So, does the average person undertand how to operate an internal combusition engine efficiently? No. Most can barely hit the toilet.

These are the same guys who creep over a speedbump in their mega-lifted rig afraid they will snap off a spindle. and when in front of their bros think ...“I can fly!”

If you thought the monolithic lethargy was bad in the auto industry... wait until the get a closer look at the glacial pace of major energy infrastructure.

One of those deals where the pretty much just used the title of the book.

 As far as the Soltice goes, If you are going ot be living in Eastern Oklahoma around Tulsa, keep it. We have killer twisty country roads between us and Arkansas and south toward Texas. If you moving to OKC or points west, get rid of it, its like Kansas out there.

Outrun a tornado! How cute! There is a certian level of fatalism when you live here, just like with Californians with earthquakes. After awhile you can do just about as good a job predicting the weather as the “professionals” do. I have stood outside and watched mesocyclones pass overhead that covered a third of the

Isn’t it always funny to see these guys in their lifted macho pseudo-monster trucks going over that speedbump in the Target parking lot at .5 mph?

Isn’t in convenient how that works here, and I guarantee you Kennedy swings are far bigger and far reaching stick than Romney ever did.  

The Verstappen Penalty would only have applied if Winterbottom had aggressively moved under braking to block McLaughlin. As it was McLaughlin put a Supercross style block pass on Winterbottom and its all fair game in the tin tops. You can do that in F1 too, as long as you aren’t just driving into the side of the guy

At one of my jobs, we had two employess out of 300 that daily drove SSRs. That is when they were not broken down. Other than those two, they are rare as hen’s teeth on the road.

I do the same thing, except for stream the NASCAR races. I just fall back asleep watching them, kinda like watching Golf on TV.

Because no matter how badass you think you are, something will eat you.

Curious. Is there a reason why the place is so big? They are not manufacturing there, it’s just office and design space I believe. Do employees live there? I would imagine since it is a campus it has a gym and multiple cafeterias and day care for children. Do they have 5,000 people working in it?

Those balms, like Glenalgysic, have almost felt so good on a sore back or sore muscles.

Kimi Mode Engaged. All answers are monosyllabalic. “Yes” or “No” or “Hmmm. Yes” or Hmmm. No.”

It also speaks to a culture of keeping people on the payroll that should not be operating a train. It starts at the top and goes throughout the entire system. Entrenched people who do not do their jobs and cannot be fired for it.