Kevin Camp Photo

This generation’s Chuck Norris. For what they are worth, I enjoy those movies.

All this from a guy who routinely gets charged with and convicted of bribery and influence peddling and yet never serves any time in jail, skates away like nothing happened. Bernie is the one man IOC and FIFA corruption rolled into one point sized ball of misery.

I kind of like the Art Deco styling cues, and its certainly better looking than 90% of the vacuous looking stuff coming out of the major brand styling studios. They are all look so similar these days with gaping grilles and squinty eye headlights or, they look like someone amputated Optimus Prime’s foot. Kudos to RR

Going to the races in person is worth the sunburns and dehydration and standing in the rain. Having Dario Franchitti wave directly at you while on the driver parade lap at Houston as you wave your David Coulthard Scottish flag ball cap you bought at the British GP in Silverstone the year before. Chatting with Paul

That’s called “jumping the berm” in dirt oval parlance. He was wanting to slide up to the edge of the loose dirt on the top of the track (the berm) and lean his rear tire against it to make the corner faster. But if you hit it hard enough, that 2 inch berm will trip that tire and send you over.

Hamilton got a terrible start, otherwise Rosberg wasn’t going to be fully alongside him (or Vettel going totally around him). In the post race he complained about understeer, but the real understeer happened when he didn’t bother to turn the steering wheel until after he knocked Rosberg off track. Rosberg knows what

Mind blown indeed! Well done!

It looks like they took styling cues from every Oldsma-Buick from 1975 thru 1990 and made a car.

One of the things you can see is just how physical the course is. Its not a pool table smooth race course with predictable cambers and generous radiused corners. Streets with all their manhole covers and weird dips to help rain run off and where the ground has slowly sunk under the asphalt. I have no doubt a guy like

I agree completely. Its a fine line working on composition. But, most people who are not in the know don’t notice the proportions are off.

This is done purposely to help the car look larger and give the illusion that it can compete sales wise with the small crossover segment (which is destroying sedan sales and has pretty much killed off the coupe). This type of thing is done repeatedly in advertising. If you notice the composition of the image of the

The British Superbike Championship races at Cadwell Park are pretty insane. Also the Peoria TT races here in the States.

Barcelona is a pretty much wide open F1 track with pretty much huge run off areas. There is always a boundary somewhere, but that track is not like racing at old Suzuka. Hard to imagine what he could have hit other than the ground and rarely is that enough to kill a rider. Sorry for his family and the team.

The racing itself has not changed that much. CART was much better at marketing its star drivers than the IRL and IndyCar have been, but that comes down to who manages it and who thinks are the most important... drivers/teams or track-owners/promoters. Personally, I tune in to watch the teams and drivers and don’t

A friend of mine hit a deer on a very twisty backroad in NE Oklahoma commonly used by motorcyclists and sportscar drivers. He ended up in the ditch for about 6 hours with a broken pelvis and ribs down one side. Another rider just happened to see something shiny in the tallgrass while passing by and stopped and got

Echoes of Eddie Irvine at Ferrari....

I missed the show last night, so not knowing who Chris Evans is, I reserve my comments until I do see it. Matt LeBlanc is probably too well remembered as his famous dumbass TV sitcom character, so it will take some time to believe in him as a knowledgeable auto enthusiast. Harris and Schmitz are known quantities to me

The folks I know that always need more power, are usually the worst drivers.

Questions: The purpose of this is to transport people across country quickly and efficiently. So... does it stop at every town like a Greyhound bus? Or does it only go from major city to major city? At the cost of the construction of the rail with bridges and tunnels in infrastructure, will this be any more efficient

Indeed. I agree with you there.