Kevin Camp Photo

This is another example of marketing over technology. Photography is about image quality, are you getting what you want and need from your images? The companies like to market photography as tech for the geeks and those that love to look cool to their other photog buddies because they fleece these people.

The biggest disconnect problem that most of the upper executives have with their client base is fairly simple. Most of them have worked their way up the corporate ladder over time and easily forget that the customers they are after are not making high five figure salaries much less anything in the six figures. They

I've lived in Oklahoma and Tennessee, we usualy don't get snow even though we have gotten a few inches the last few years. We can get is 2 inches of ice on everything. Not even the small truck mounted plows can get around. Very few people here actually own winter tires as their usually no need.

What you call a massive tankslapper save, Petter Solberg calls making a turn.

I do not think this will happen with Apple any time in the near future. Its a large part of their business model to control all facets of their devices exclusively. To some degree I get it, they also quality control of those peripherals. But for simple items, like a $6 cord from Griffin that Apple wants $29 for is

Awesome! You have the money to be able to afford the new Mustang 5.0 or an M-series BMW and you do not have the necessary skill to do a simple burnout without electronic aid. Be sure and order the automatic transmission and automatic collision avoidance because you certainly do not want the inconvenient distraction of

I agree with you there and I understand the liquidity issue, but I guaratee you that the carrier is paying an absolute minumum over manufacturer's cost for the device to stock it and in the long run I am probably paying twice for it. What they are going to do is force me to re-analyze how badly I need a premium phone

The problem lies in that they want my cake, they want me to pay to bake it and me to pay them to eat it, and in return for my money, I get to wash the dishes. There is no phone subsidy, the carriers are simply carrying paper on your phone, we are paying for all of it. What all of this really means is that they want to

Just like most naval installations, when they set the keel of the ship and build up so far of the hull, the engine set installed and its in there forever. Its too big, too buried down in there to get it out later. Prop shafts on most large ships are this way as well. Once its in there, it ain't coming out. On most

The modern "sharp in the foreground, blurry in the background" image is not just a fucntion of today's photography. The larger the film or sensor gets on a camera, the more pronouned the shallowness of the depth of field becomes. Medium format and large format film cameras regularly produce very shallow depth of field

Hopefully GM has had the sense to fix things like the old plastic driveline connection used to drive the oil pump from the cam on BBCs. There are lot of good places for plastic components, but skimping on the lubrication of your engine is never going to be one of them. Seen a lot of these things stripped out by guys

Saw an AN-124 land at Tulsa International one time. Hard to believe it can fly. And we see the C-17s in Tulsa all the time for refit. Used to see the B52s fly out of Shreveport, La as well.

Thank you! As a working professional I laugh at these blanket statements all the time. They said the same thing about rado, yet its still around. They said the same thing when video came out, stillpics are dead, and yet they are consumed at an incredible rate daily. For every advance that Sony has come up with for

I applaud Jalopnik staff for limiting the amount of embargoes that you do, not because I need the scoop before anyone else, but because it enforces the trust that you operate with journalistic integrity. Being a lapdog to curry favor from a car maker is easy and its a slippery slope that once you enter into can

Land mines were not outlawed by the treaty, leaving behind active and armed anti-personnel mines post conflict was. The US has been pretty good about retrieving our land mines and we typically use them in either a localized ambush or as a defense permieter denial system since the VietNam war. Not saying that there

This isn't a pissing contest between Japan, the Philipines and China. Its the next step in building the infrastructure necessary to retake Taiwan and its manufacturing base. If they can control the waterways around half of the island it places a safe access for military vessels approaching the island nation. China is

Why should Vettel retire? How about everyone else step their game up? You want to play in the deep water, learn to swim well. Everyone blames this on Vettel and while he drives extremely well, the real culprit here is Adrian Newey and his ability to do the best job with initial design and best job developing a car

There is a time for track style driving and for prudent driving in a supercar. I would hazard to say that in our youth and some not-so-young-youthfulness that most of us have done stupid things behind the wheel on a public road, driven in a manner that was blatantly dumb for the location and conditions. However, most

I understand that, I lived it. I used to race drag boats. We gave competitors valve springs, helped pull motors at 1am for a 9am line call. Most all racing series, especially grassroots racing, is like that. There are usualyl rivalries, and some haters, but most are willing to help one another get on the track.

Agreed. I prefer the judging of the competition to be based on how fast or quickly you went, not subjective judging like ice skating. Drift is cool as a spectacle, like freestyle motocross and monster truck, but as a competition is lacks the swagger that being the fastest on the course brings.