
Yeah, I think every single member of my family is on Unfollow except for my mom and then most of my friends are as well. It’s sad, but sadly necessary.

Yeah, this is why I periodically take long breaks from it. I don’t want to totally delete it as I have some needs for it, such as promoting my blog, watching live shows by my favorite authors or podcasters, or finding out about local events (the latter of which I can still do through my wife who uses Facebook pretty

The data thing doesn’t bother me so much as the stress and anger it can cause me, personally. Shortly after the election, I took an 8 month break from Facebook. I deleted the bookmark from my browser and uninstalled the app from my phone. It was really amazing how very little I missed it and how much stress it

Yeah, I got that. My question (which has now been answered) was why the notch was a thing in the first place (ie, why did Apple put a notch on their new phone?).

Ahh, I see. Interesting.

Wow, what a snotty and unneeded response to a question. Does it feel good?

Ahh...I see. I agree that it’s dumb.

Thanks, but I think you misunderstood my question. I was asking why Apple put a notch in their screen like that.

I’m genuinely confused - what is the notch for? I don’t care about Apple products and so had no idea it had a notch in the display like that. What is the point? Does it do something?

Damn. I really wish I had the kind of integrity it would take to extricate myself from Amazon.

The Kindle Paperwhite has been on sale for $100 literally every month since it came out. The only month that it wasn’t on sale for $100 was November, when it was on sale for $90. I’m not saying that it’s not a deal, but isn’t that worth noting?

The Kindle Paperwhite has been on sale for $100 literally every month since it came out. The only month that it

FYI, Kindle Paperwhite with Offers has been on sale for $100 literally EVERY SINGLE MONTH for the last 15 months. It went down to $90 for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

FYI, Kindle Paperwhite with Offers has been on sale for $100 literally EVERY SINGLE MONTH for the last 15 months. It

I almost bought these after seeing these mentioned in the big roundup earlier today. Amazon recommended another pair by the same company that was $24. The reviews were good, though they aren’t noise cancelling.

I almost bought these after seeing these mentioned in the big roundup earlier today. Amazon recommended another pair

Thank you for this. For some reason, it never occurred to me to do this. I just set up my bank’s Android app to send me a notification of my balance and transactions every day.

Oh, yeah, that actually makes a lot of sense. I think you’re totally right.

Thanks, same to you. Yeah, I didn’t realize that they had the disclaimer. That does make it better.

For mindless entertainment and humor, I like:

Yeah, I thought about that when I typed it. I would argue that it shouldn’t be. That said, they at least have to include information on the label that they aren’t actually proven to be effective and sometimes get nailed by the FDA like in the case of Airborne.

Oh, also, I want to thank you for your reply. You’re totally correct. But also, I’m a history teacher and you caused me to go read up some more on SCOTUS history on free speech. It caused me to realize that I’ve been slightly misteaching Schenck v. United States.