
Do people really buy Bentleys for their engines? I would think EV drivetrains would work perfectly for cars that are already large, heavy, and quiet. And aside from the old 6.75L V8, which was getting axed anyway, it’s not like we’re losing any amazingly evocative or special engines.

She’s built like a steakhouse but handles like a bistro.

Haha, I used to flip the ENG/MET switch on the ‘84 Buick Century I had and go “HOLY CRAP KIDS WE’RE DOING 130 - DON’T TELL MOM!”

At this point I am convinced you need to bring this car around to hospitals and old folks homes as a therapy dog, because it only seems to bring joy wherever it goes.

He gets bonus points for attempting a dangerous stunt during the unluckiest year ever. Glad all went well. 

Thank goodness Porsche doesn’t make trucks. The badge delete option would be $1,500 per vehicle. 

Oh now you’re just trolling.

The wheelchair in the bed has me wondering if the Toyota is modified for accessibility.  It wouldn’t excuse anything, but it adds potential answers to “what went wrong?”

Well, that’s only part of the story. In Iowa, crops cannot be planed in the RIght Of Way. The distance form the ROW to the road surface varies, but it is usually about 20 feet on rural roads and a bit more on highways. IN the past, farmers had the option of setting aside buffer strips and getting federal funds to

How ironic that the lead picture shows three rocket scientists who can’t even be bothered to wear effing helmets. Corn stalks are not their main problem.

Just buying the VIN plates at that point.


Now do it while driving a vehicle with a very firm suspension.

Look at my keyboard; it has 104 buttons of all kinds of size and shape; they are very closely spaced; they are sensitive to the touch; yet I managed to type this message without screwing up. Hello, Mercedes, you have found your next driver!

Because he’s a big ass and won’t fit on other seats?

  1. Change your ~10 month old infant daughter’s diaper

Exotic car junkyard of yesteryear.

You got me there. I have never been in a car that’s on fire.

It needs upforce to stop the fart cannon from dragging on the road.

Colin Chapman’s final masterpiece—he eliminated everything but the engine. Doubtless this was on his funeral barge with him when he sailed to Avalon, and was made an offering to the Old Ones. One day, he will return to rule over Lotus with a tiny fist and a sceptre made from an aluminium pushrod, banishing memories of