
...and the CVT

So steal one and blow it up. That might calm you down.

A Subaru 360 was not the slowest car I’ve ever driven, since I’ve also had the privilege of piloting an Isetta 300. Neither would beat the electric bike I ride today, which is arguably safer as well.

My father was crouching curbside, using soapy water to find a leak in a tire he had taken off the car. A neighbor walked by and said “I knew you liked your cars and took good care of them, but I’ve never seen anyone take the tires off a car to wash them.”

They’re interesting like NASA and DARPA products are interesting, and I’ll never get to use those either.

But with the exposure it’s already had and a story that comes with extensive video documentation, once rebuilt to any measure of roadworthiness, it will eventually be a much more tempting package for shrewd investors to buy than ‘generic wrecked hypercars’ with gaps in their history and ‘expert’ repairs you can’t see

If I had the time, space and energy I’d part it out for all those bits and pieces that don’t have VW numbers and expect a reasonable return on that 20k

Thank you. I was waiting for someone to check it’s background. This happens all the time with gauge replacements, except they usually don’t add (or multiply!) mileage. I’m happy to know that there are still people who went the other way for comedic effect.

Why bother asking. It’s going to be one of Elon’s products, with an ICE V-8 added as per customer’s wishes.

Mr.Diesel’s abstinence from food broken with a cheap frozen (sort of) pizza?

I would say it all depends whether they’re trying to pass you or if you yourself are the emergency

It might not be Nissan’s investment. Klipsch and other subcontractors may develop the technology and shop it around, and Infiniti might be the company that bit on it first. Just speculating.

Not defending a sloppy worker, but that’s got to be a mind-numbing job.

I envy. I had to pry my mother’s 85 year old hands from the keys to her Buick skylark that my aunt was too scared to ride in anymore. I sold it to a neighbor’s kid who immediately slapped a bumper sticker on it that read “Don’t laugh, your daughter may be in here”.

I was about to post Corvair, since Porsche opportunities may be rare and VWs are usually too slow to be dangerous. Everyone should get two chances to experience the thrill of trailing throttle oversteer, first by acting instinctively and braking, and then by powering through it. 

Given the cult worship of the Land Cruiser, I’ve wondered why Nissan never promoted the Patrol for the US market. Was it even federalized and sold here?

or don’t exist and never did

I’d wear pockets without the shorts if I could. You can never have enough.

usually ‘former’ stars

doubt they could find the word fact in a dictionary