
Me, experienced then with only little Suzukis and Kawasakis, once leaned my cousin’s Harley over too far while sitting on it, alone, in her garage. It took me fifteen minutes with a 2 x 4 to lever it back into a space that didn’t require an embarrassing explanation.

So when will we see an electric revival of the Amphicar?

a modern little powertrain.....thank you. I’m tired of 600 hp restomods......a 2 liter turbo four would fit that Healey about a WRX powertrain in a replica 356, or a Nissan VQ 3.5 in a new Cobra....

not to mention that it has the clearest night sky east of the Mississippi

...coupled with rethinking of our use of prisons as ‘punishment’. Put violent criminals in prison to ensure public safety. Instead of paying to house, feed and provide medical care for nonviolent inmates, punish them with $$$ fines that go to victim restitution.

meanwhile, dozens-if not hundreds-of others will be up all night measuring angles, shadows, angles of shadows and shadows of angles to disprove the lazy assumption that this isn’t an artifact of interplanetary paleoarchitecture. By the time you wake, we’ll have so many more measurements catalogued that arguing

a tourism gimmick? any tourist who sees it is on their way from to somewhere to somewhere else on a route that would likely be the same whether the bridge was there or not....or has anyone gone so covid stir crazy that 32 feet of Lowes lumber is on their bucket list?

Aramco probably has more of an influence on peoples lives than any other company they’ve never heard of

Don’t know what your passenger and cargo requirements may be, but Mini may have a JCW that meets your needs.....they do for mine

I’ve long been told that you should never trust anyone who’s got a city in their name, like Sarasota Sam or Memphis Mike. Probably cost me a few good friends who’d never been to Indiana...

My car was once hit by a deer....parked in my driveway, alongside a 4' high retaining wall that bordered my neighbor’s lawn. Apparently a deer running across the lawn didn’t realize where it ended and flew on to the hood of my X4, leaving a trail of hair and deer shit all over the $3,000 worth of damage it caused.

been living in the river since the spring thaw

I once bought a 1965 Corvair convertible for $35, with a structure so rusty the doors wouldn’t close. Beneath the passenger seat was a book of AA guidance, several empty vodka bottles and a thermos filled with vomit.

skip the hammocks, just remove the bin doors, lay in a foam mattress pad and market them as sleeper cabins 

still can’t match a good steam engine/flywheel hybrid

only if it can be had with a hand-cranked sunroof, AM radio and hump-mounted 8-track tape deck like the one some lowlife swiped from my father’s ‘66 Galaxie on a rare trip to Manhattan

I dunno about that...having once been rear-ended by a dump truck with claimed brake failure that mangled my rear bumper and actually bent the glass in my rear window. So what, you say....I was driving a Suzuki Samurai. The insurance payout was about 1/3 the value of my ‘car’, so $116 for new tail lights and some scrap

Second that on the concrete blocks. Know of two local fatalities in which they were involved. I cut 6 x 6 lumber into useful blocks to stabilize every lift made with my trolley and scissor jacks. Can’t remember a time when I wasn’t so safety-paranoid that I didn’t use them all.

another example of ‘just because you can do something doesn’t mean that you should’...

so what to do in year two of your ownership?