
I’ve been able to keep my habit under control, mainly because I moved from walking distance to 10 miles away from the only bookstore around here that carries them. Still, every occasional fix costs me $50 for a 35 quid’s worth of cover prices.

My pharmacist kindly provides me with amber vials perfectly sized for about$5 worth of toll and meter food 

Florida man seems to handle the culling pretty well himselves. I go with the sentient, hungry bridge hypothesis.

Diver Dom would seal up the electrical components, turn the trunk into a big tank of compressed oxygen and put some check valves in the exhaust to beat the greedy salvage divers to Porsche and Lamborghini engines for the poor kids in east LA to stuff into old Hondas.

people talk EV, high performance versions, special editions and upmarket content, but can we please have........a two door?

all these critiques of aesthetics and hardly a word about accumulating dust, dirt, snow and slush. whether you clean them yourself or you’re a fancy boy who has grime-servants to do it, some will look like shit until its done and some others...not so much

Then again...listen to as much of what they have to say as you can. Even though they think they’re talking up a car’s high points, not only do they often drop a good bit of info about its shortcomings, they reveal how much they actually know about a car and its problems. I once scored a ‘67 Chevy for $15 because, to

show me a deed

Nicely done. Stripped a few interiors down to the paint/rust/holes myself, and can appreciate the work involved. Either it’s caked with an ungodly stew of crap that takes hours to scrape off or it’s in much better shape than you thought and now you’ve got to figure out a way to replace or fabricate all the clips that

Are the designers visually impaired or just lacking any artistic sensibilities? That is one of the ugliest vehicles I’ve ever seen.

you see the table he meets people at? that’s as close as anyone gets, except maybe the guy who test-eats his food to check for poison. unless a close advisor gets uber-bold and just as lucky to outrace Vlad’s bodyguards and puts a pencil through his brain, ain’t gonna happen.

if your kids had an opportunity to have a zillionaire parent-who wasn’t you-with more $$$ than sprinkles on all the world’s ice cream cones, would you deny them that?

I love cars and trucks and motorcycles - of all types. What I may not “like” I can still appreciate for its exploration of alternatives in design and engineering...but this abomination has no reason to exist. It’s a waste of time, money, material and attention and unusable as anything but a parade float.

...not before having your horn tuned, upgrading to radial windshield wiper blades and getting a mudflap alignment...

As a fan of MS-DOS who resisted the conversion to windows, I can tell you that it doesn’t end well.

gimme a six pack, a sawzall and an EBay account and I’ll salvage enough Lambo trinkets to cover the cost (of towing. maybe.)

I’m surprised no one charges for “headlight alignment”. Almost anyone can be convinced that their lights don’t shine where they think they should. A few minutes [depending on the car] of twiddling and cleaning can make enough of a difference that it seems to have value.

back in the buddy and I drove a few hundred miles to pick up some parts at a specialty shop devoted to our particular taste in vehicles. They’d been up and running for a couple of years as a catalog business but weren’t prepared for walk-ins. Leading us through a garage and past a couple of storage sheds, the

I think someone already tried that and called it a Samurai. Crucified by the safety nazis at Consumer Repots, it was nonetheless a competent and practical vehicle. Put over 100k on mine before passing it along.

Long roof, manual transmission, how did Tracy miss this one?