
Oh crap, binary sudoku!

Oh, won’t somebody please think of the dirt!?

Because of ballast, the more it tips the more force there is pulling it back upright.

Meh. That’s just video from Osmos. :)

Will finally be able to pay minesweeper without it hanging... :)

Good review. You’re wrong about one thing; He’s STILL Doogie. Always has. Always will. Not sure what that “My mother” show was. An attempt to distract us? It didn't work.

Projects over a certain dollar threshold should be required to pay for an auditor to approve gradual release of funds at defined milestones.

You can flip the polarity of a particle and it’s entangled partner will also flip. It’s like changing colour of one of the balls, knowing one in the other container has also changed. It really is spooky.

Almost? You did read the article right? :)

The Indonesians have a solution to this problem. No forests. :)

People die at hotels that have safety inspections.

Project plan :

I don’t think we’ll see much of Skips at all in VII, it’ll be more rumour and searching. He’ll feature more in VIII and reckon he’ll be the drawcard for that movie, like when we saw Han in the trailer for VII. They’ll show a teaser for VIII at the end of VII and will pop out of the shadows. /end_speculation

Ask for permission to use it. Most will let you have it for non commercial use of you ask. I got permission to use a pic of The Rugrats on a non commercial website a few years back. Just emailed them, they said OK.

Some of the “People” weren’t exactly people. Nice ending though.

Testing USB flash drives is what Internet cafes are for.


Here in New Zealand kids ride trains by themselves and it’s definitely not due to infrastructure due to the fact that ours is crap. Probably not from age 6 but maybe 8.

So to work, they have to be re-integrated back into society and give some level of trust. Thing is, most society still value the 6-22% of their children that will be harmed from doing this.