
I have that same exact rear light on my bike but the mount is broken. I use duct tape but pull it off once a week to change the batteries. I just found my next project. :)

Ewww - Mono.

The politically correct woman exec or the politically correct black guy? This PR campaign ticks all the right boxes.

So the guy was cleared for landing at one airport but landed probably without clearance at another one? That's kind of scary.

Looks like it's made out of a piano. :)

We have enough worry about rising sea levels without all these pesky little islands popping up all the time. I want to know what measures environmentalists are proposing to deal with this issue and what new taxes will be created to pay for it.

We have enough worry about rising sea levels without all these pesky little islands popping up all the time. I want to know what measures environmentalists are proposing to deal with this issue and what new taxes will be created to pay for it.

Why would there be downtime/lightsout on a multi-billion dollar research station? Do they run out of things to do? I always assumed there was 24x7 rotating shifts to make the most of it's limited life span. Or maybe there is and there is work happening somewhere else?

Why would there be downtime/lightsout on a multi-billion dollar research station? Do they run out of things to do? I always assumed there was 24x7 rotating shifts to make the most of it's limited life span. Or maybe there is and there is work happening somewhere else?

Without reading the books: Rob Baratheon's first wife / Lyanna Stark (Ned's Sister). The Mad King, Aerys Targaryen - In fact most of the Targaryen race :)

Ooo physics and chemistry too. :P

Just drink every 2 hours and you can't go wrong. :)

Didn't they have a plan at one stage to have staff work offshore in international waters and pay them tax free?

All ball pits have missing socks at the bottom.

Environmentalists are blaming global warming.

Rather Google glass as a heads up display. :)

If logo is sideways - It's more than likely primarily a small tablet/phablet?

You can tell that was built by an adult. Boring and repetitive.

Moving to distilled de-ionised water only from now on - thanks. :)

And now for the Facebook icon....... :)