What about Final Fantasy V Advance? I’ve heard it’s the best option for playing an English language version.
Those Sony noise-cancelling headphones are terrific, it’s true, but it’s not true that they are effective at blocking out loud voices. They aren’t. They’re good for blocking out steady droning noises, but in my experience the loud talkers I hoped would be cancelled out come through loud and clear while all the rest of…
Those Sony noise-cancelling headphones are terrific, it’s true, but it’s not true that they are effective at…
Yes, but it hurts my fingers. I feel like I have to press harder on the Dualshock 3's buttons than I’d have to press on an original PlayStation controller.
I will remember this.
What a great surprise! I hope it includes “Tomb Raider,” because I’d love to play that on a controller without sticks. I have the PS3 port, but I find using the Dualshock 3 uncomfortable for it, probably because the buttons are pressure sensitive.
No, I guess not. I just can’t imagine why I would have bought it. It’s not the kind of game I would have sought out on my own. I must have read something positive about it while it was selling for an unusually low price or something.
I tried for a year to find a Wii for sale in the New York area. I visited stores constantly, monitored inventory tracking websites and even stood in lines at the Nintendo Store in Manhattan. Over the course of a year I got more casual about it, as my annoyance grew and my interest waned. After a year, I stopped…
I never noticed before that Billy Drago (as psychotic douchebag Frank Nitti) was at the table when Capone bashes that guy’s head in, and he looks completely non-plussed by it.
Isn’t this a repeat for Tokyo Jungle? Because I own Tokyo Jungle, and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t even be aware of it if it hadn’t been offered as a PS+ title at some point in the past.
If that’s the only reason, you should still buy one. I bought one of their overpriced storage cards, too, and was annoyed and put off by it, but a year later I don’t even remember what I paid for it.
That is a wildly inappropriate response to a harmless joke.
Can’t have been that bad. I had no difficulty whatsoever just casually ordering a PS4 through Amazon on a whim in early 2014.
Any news on an update that will let me find a Switch for sale at the suggested retail price?
If and when my TV dies I’ll get a 4K one. It doesn’t seem likely I’ll upgrade short of that happening, though. 1080p seems just fine to me.
If only someone could just walk into a store and buy a Switch. I hope they improve the supply situation before my interest wanes. That didn’t happen with the Wii, and consequently I never bought a Wii.
I’ve never played much Dungeons and Dragons, and I always thought of the Dungeon Master role as kind of a chore and a drag.
I play a lot of old games but generally prefer to play them on their original hardware. So when I want to play a 360 game, I just fire up the 360.