
The Last Of Us is ingenious, because where 99/100 action games these days really prize precision and speed and accuracy, TLoU prizes strategy.

The first Uncharted is really not that great.

"... and now the SOCOM team no longer exists."

If you can prove you had a problem, maybe. Read the document at the end of the article.

The entire problem here is that, in your argument, branding is apparently the #1 criteria for "creative maturity". And Shigeru never said that.

If it's anything like Peace Walker- it will all definitely be peripheral. I wouldn't worry about it buddy. I'm going to focus on the tactile gameplay, maybe dip into the Mother Base management stuff on occasion.

You make some good points, and I'm genuinely sorry if I've messed up. That hurt, the male ally bit. I don't want to be misunderstanding or misrepresenting anything.

For one thing, nobody is saying women don't do that stuff. The reason that we're arguing with you and bringing up "context" is that "context" tells us that men do this a million times more than women do. But yes, women still do it. Obviously. Nobody's saying they don't, and nobody's diminishing the fact that they do.

Good argument there. And politely put, too, bonus.

I don't think the celebrity 0.001% of the population will skew much of anything. Except people's minds.

I usually detest posts like the one you just made, and I do know many polyamorous people who do not fit the bill (I'm not one, 100% monogamous), but...

Yeah, I'm increasingly thinking that the best, possibly only really effective way this could work would be two couples. Certainly the only way I can feel okay with me and my partner doing any stuff like that.

That's the whole problem really. The whole thing's about self control; that is, controlling your own insecurities. (And I guess most people on the planet aren't great at dealing with insecurity. It's not something we get taught institutionally.)

Doesn't quite match up I'm afraid.

Yeah, it's definitely the minority who it seems to work for. I think, frankly, anybody could do it, it just needs an insane level of self-security which takes a lot of work to achieve. Like if there is any sense of jealousy at all it will not work, you have to spend weeks thinking yourself into a "there's no

I'd fully agree with you if he was saying it won't work for most people, because I agree with that.

I agree with you that it's misleading- but I think the reason that they're doing it is because it's actually good for the game. That generic "hacky GTA" image is what'll get Joe Public and Jane Doe to buy the thing. It'll be what nets it millions of sales, rather than hundreds of thousands. Those folks won't care

I think they do, but I don't think the audience is as large or as broadly toxic as gaming culture's. Which is what makes it so particularly irritating.

You seem to ignore in every comment anyone has made that killing is morally and ethically problematic regardless of context, and that if there's an option to not kill someone, even if it means a chance they may offend again, you take that choice. This is, like, a universally accepted fact and one of the tenets of

Now you mention it, I've started to get more into streaming too. There's something a little more natural and pragmatic about it. Like it's a dialogue, rather than a tirade. And while you still have to promote it, it feels nowhere near as much like terrible tiring work.