
Can I just say that, to me, this feels like the game Arkham City should have been?

Asyum is the perfect introduction and it's very cheap and very short. Hit it up.

I understand your sentiment- and stillettos said what needed to be said.

This game feels to me like what Arkham City should have been. I absolutely love it. Far more immersed, enjoying it a lot more than City.

So making mistakes or reducing use of colonial English protocol is the behaviour of a "retard"? Whoa there, offensive attitude to take from a teacher. Would you call your students who make mistakes retards?

You can't possibly compare using hate speech or disparaging terms with not using capital letters.

Thanks for the sensible reply man.

Yeah, that's what I originally figured. More recent posts, e.g. from Kotaku, have suggested that this is the case, too.

Am I the only one who's eagerly awaiting this generation's multiplat games on next gen?

This is twisting my mind.

There are obviously degrees to this issue man.

Yeah, that was offensive and presumptuous. I write for a decently sized gaming website, get paid several grand a year to run a website for a university (that is, I'm its editor and manager), and it is obviously inconsistent income, so I float myself using a market research job, interviewing people. I literally just

I just finished a Masters degree in linguistics- and I write a little bit about it. My full time job is as a writer, though. Criticism, fiction, journalism.

Wrong. And that is the only article that says so. And it's from March.

And I'm a linguist. You understood what he meant, therefore the misspelling didn't matter. The point of language is to be understood- idiosyncrasies of spelling or pronounciation are completely irrelevant; there's no "bad" language, just "understood" or "misunderstood" language.

In terms of story, yes.

I feel exactly the same way! God, it's good to hear someone on the level.

It's the same game. There's only one game: MGSV: Phantom Pain.

3 definitely disproves what you just said.

Yeah that's it. Ground Zeroes is the prologue (like Tanker Incident or Operation Virtuous Mission). Phantom Pain is the main event, the buld of the game (like Big Shell or Operation Snake Eater.)