
I'm 100% cool with TLOU's controls. Uncharted is wayyy more responsive- you press a direction to move, and Drake instantly moves that direction- but TLoU tied together animation, reactions, Joel's physicality, and the control scheme together into a perfect blend. You're not just controlling you, you're controlling

I suppose what I should have said was that cutting edge graphical technology doesn't matter. I.e. it's not necessary to have realism in graphics to have a great experience- which is what the OP was saying. We're all driving for visual realism when visual realism isn't really that necessary.

You know what's weird?

He's saying as much as they nice and can help, graphics don't actually matter.

That's what I was saying. Biologically, they aren't the rule. But they certainly exist. Posters like IanTheAnimal and others were being borderline offensive and misogynistic when they were saying that women can't wear armour or be knights. Some women totally could. The reason they weren't is due to the marginalisation

Did you play The Last Of Us?

The jumping was on triggers right?

I agree that the story absolutely sucked. I had to actually force myself to ignore it to enjoy the game, and enjoy the game I did.

The problem is that what you say is largely to do with cultural expectation.

I think you'll find that you are the idiot who doesn't live in the real world.

The problem is that what you say is largely to do with cultural expectation.

I'm Europe side and I've had literally no issues since the patch late last week.

Mate, every single Thief game has had tons of supernatural stuff. It's a gritty fantasy stealth series.

It's just as tongue-in-cheek now, but it's less cartoony, less grotesque. I think that's simply because of graphical advancements. Seriously though, go listen to Blaine County Radio or the Public Radio station in the south- that shit is just as funny and cartoony as GTA3/ VC/ San Andreas. I don't think the content has

I would agree with you if it weren't for satire being as deep as the subject, you know?

Posted this at the OP, too:

As far as the Houser's are concerned, GTA is America. They say they might make games set elsewhere- but they won't be GTA's. GTA games will always be set in the USA, that's what their remit is. To satirise that culture. It'll never happen my friend. Just enjoy games like Sleeping Dogs for what they are.

I felt disgusted and harrowed by his behaviour- but absolutely loved it.

"Should've at least had servers up when the game was launched to clarify, and not all buggy at that."

Yeah that's a good shout- though arguably OG Loc is part of the San Andreas location's universe, rather than the plot? Though I guess he does feature pretty heavily in GTA: SA's missions, which would make him a "character."