
They changed it in GTAIV, where Armour only soaked bullets, and HP was force contact/ bullets when Armour ran out.

I'm having to begrudgingly recommend my little, ten year old cousin's parents not to buy him this game.

I've got a theory that that's mostly to do with the hardware, man. I mean, in GTA3 whenever I gave everyone guns and then made them riot and rampage, the framerate definitely took hits sometimes. And things were mental.

The creators have been unequivocally clear that their ultimate aim is to make the greatest crime simulation and satire of America they can- ultimately resulting in a fully realised United States with a complete and utterly realistic simulation. Dan Houser has literally said that. That is their end game. Their ultimate

That makes blips mode far less functional for actually playing the missions. Furthermore, there's no option to make enemies not appear on the mini-map, which turns gunfights into exercises in "eradicate the red dots." A few more HUD and map-customization options would have gone a very long way toward making GTA V

Navigation is entirely tied to the mini-map: When playing GTA V, you may start to feel as though you're playing the mini-map instead of the game. If you're like me, you'll keep your eyes glued to the corner of the screen for a distressing percentage of your time playing. You might not even notice you're doing it.

It's not ragdoll physics, it's Euphoria. But it's more obvious when it happens to other characters- Euphoria, as you said, takes control and makes them use hands or balancing movements to keep upright. In GTAIV they had this for the playable protagonists, too, but in GTAV they've scaled it down so that they fall a lot

1. Using two left hand fingers, in an awkward position, to scale your movement speed is unequivocally worse than gently pushing a stick with one finger. The point is that with a joystick you get "infinite" degrees of scalability; even two buttons on a KB is only two steps of movement. No movement, half speed, or full

I've played all the GTA's like the other guy- and this isn't just the best GTA ever made, this is one of the best games of the generation.

You can't scale movement with KBWASD. I.e., press W to walk forward, and you go from 0-7mph. With a joy pad you can lean the stick to walk, so you can go by degree, 0-1, 1-4, 0-7. Which gives you a ton more flexibility with games where stealth, subtletly, or precision are required.

Glad you weren't hurt! It's still definitely an intense experience.

Realism is all about the game mechanics. The screenshots are nice, but I want to know what mechanics they're employing in the game. The announcement post doesn't tell us anything about what the gameplay will be like (something which most announcement posts actually do!)

It's a crazy effect isn't it? I've had it a couple of times too. Imagine what it would be like on a battlefield in real life- that effect would be constant. Pretty traumatic.

It was a bit on the bootstrappy side. Thanks for appreciating the post!

Yeah, it won't just stop, you can't just insta change. But it does take time and work to get interested in other people, and to stop being afraid of looking or being alone. And if you never use a phone to hide behind- you'll be putting yourself out there, forcing your brain to work at engaging people around you. So it

I'm cool with what you're saying- I've got a partner and everything and she's all I could ever want, and while I have moments of thinking "God if I was single, I could do xyz or be with xyz person," I always come around after a bit of thinking: for me, being with anyone else, or being alone, don't compare with being

As m9105826 says, the sense of time slowing down is what your brain does in moments of stress or emergency. The more information your brain records, the slower time appears to move; whenever an accident happens, your brain goes into "emergency mode" and writes down everything to make survival chances increase. I can

I'm a feminist myself- no flames to dodge, pal. Although a lot of people take issue with the idea of a "male" feminist; so perhaps I'm the one who should be ready to dodge flames. Feminism's the least evil thing ever. My girlfriend's the same: she likes games a lot and is a feminist.

Apologies for the inherently male-oriented colloquial lingo!

I think if you have anything higher than two stars, there's a high chance a chopper will see you from a great distance (i.e. it isn't actually on your radar.)