No really just another shooter. I haven't played one of these since the original Operation Flashpoint (same series, changed name to ArmA on number 2), but they're definitely a different ballgame from Battlefield/ CoD/ MoH, etc.
No really just another shooter. I haven't played one of these since the original Operation Flashpoint (same series, changed name to ArmA on number 2), but they're definitely a different ballgame from Battlefield/ CoD/ MoH, etc.
A few years ago, I would've seen nothing wrong with your comment at all. But seeing it now, I can't help but think about how eating frozen/ ready-made meals is far worse than eating nothing at all, despite the time saved. They destroy your insides in various ways and give you no nutrition and inefficient energy on top…
Seeing as I'm out of University and into full-time-ish work, I foresee getting one in the next year or two, almost definitely. For reviewing purposes I'll have to cash in on a PS4 first, though.
I actually find Xbox Live with up to 8 people on party chat just as good as Skype. And I've done both a ton. In fact, it's better in some ways: it's all dealt with in the same interface, so you don't have to Alt + Tab out of the game to change shit or set it up. The Xbox Party system is goddamn solid. You can chat…
Cool, thanks.
Serial? Got a source? Fucked up shit.
If you're put on the spot with a game you've never played, after a lot of travel, a lot of pressure, and are in front of one of the game's creators and are being recorded which instantly adds yet more pressure- see how well you handle an FPS controller, then. Schrier's a top video game journalist. Obviously he knows…
Amazing response. Excellent stuff.
They all are, except start/select. Play MGS3 in the HD collection: press O lightly at a bad guy, you grab him in a CQC hold, press O hard and you slit his throat. Same goes for all the other buttons. The D-pad, pressed gently, lets you sneak. I'm pretty sure there are games where R1 and L1 do it gently, too.
It's more primal than brutal, really. Druckmann et al. said that they had to rework a lot of the animations and the gameplay mechanics to make them driven towards "killing as quickly as possible" rather than "killing for show" or "killing to thrill the player." It's all about efficiency and force, not brutality or…
If you read an interview with Druckmann (by Kirk I think) he says that up until pretty late in the game's development, Clickers were exactly the same as Runners. Just slightly more deadly.
Well, they could have just killed you halfway through the animation. ND decided to let the animation finish, first. Same difference, man.
Man, yeah, I've probably sunk about 40-50 hours into The Last Of Us at this point. I fucking love it. Great stealth- and it also exemplifies something else I've thought, which I say a lot in that list: that stealth and horror go perfectly hand-in-hand.
Hey- a gleaming review! I didn't expect that. Excellent stuff. I personally never thought it looked good- I wasn't particularly bothered about it. But I've got a review copy for Payday 2 coming in on release, hopefully. And looking on Metacritic- there's some pretty great reviews.
Hah, cool! Thanks for reading, man. Hope you enjoyed it. Tried any new games that were on it since? Imho stealth is the best gameplay mechanic there is, in any game. I've been meaning to write a heavily opinion-based piece on that.
I'm trying not to get too actually "hyped" about it, as I was burned very badly indeed by RDR. (Which I can still barely play for long stretches, considering how much more I expected from it.) What I am finding hard to contain is just how much there is to talk about.
I totally agree! I know you're not supposed to post your own articles/websites here, but I think you'll agree with me on this.
Definitely. Although it doesn't necessarily fit with the characters- Michael's a heist man, so he wouldn't be interested in selling drugs like that. In fact, they're all heist men.
Well goddamnit. I was certain Chinatown Wars' Drug Trade was in GTAV, and I went to where I was certain I'd read it, in that big original Game Informer blowout. This one:
Good stuff man, it's definitely worth a look.