Morality is relative. If you know anything about linguistics, it's that every single word means a different thing to every single person. Like the classic "is what I see as green what you see as green" discussion. Exactly the same.
Morality is relative. If you know anything about linguistics, it's that every single word means a different thing to every single person. Like the classic "is what I see as green what you see as green" discussion. Exactly the same.
Storytelling is also my speciality. And I agree with s1l3ntsh4d0w.
I was going to say, but didn't bother: the shiv-save one is one of the biggest wastes of skill points in the game. Hate to say it. It sounds like a nice safety net, but really if a clicker gets that close to you, you've kinda failed at playing the game anyway. They're just too dangerous and even stealth killing them…
See my reply @ Layn.
I actually think it's incredibly different to Uncharted.
On that part:
It's just about 100% worth it for this game alone- but when you add in some of the other great exclusives that you definitely should get, PS3 becomes at least 300% worth the price.
It definitely appears to be one of those, right? I've seen countless people just brushing it off, and I've had to really go into depth to make them understand what it's all about. Finally they go for it, and have their eyes open. I wish people realised how important this game is. Realise they're missing out on one of…
Oh, if you like stealth, get it. MGS, Splinter Cell, and Thief are three of my favourite series of all time, and I personally think stealth is one of the best designs of a videogame in how it forces the player to interact with the world in many ways.
Totally. Lonely even though surrounded by friends.
Yeah totally, I agree. The same thing is happening with the film industry. In order to make their product look as appealing and unique as possible, producers are throwing a lot of media out to convince buyers well before the fact.
Uncharted is a very different game, The Last Of Us is much more of a hardcore, deep, challenging gameplay experience. Uncharted's remit is easy, player-enabling adventure.
I definitely think they got it right. Even the basic fact that it has an inventory, has upgradeable skills, has readable notes around the world, etc., are all already things I've complained about Uncharted not having for a long time.
I know, fuck. Fuck. I still can't really come to terms with it.
"The Snake Eater of this generation" YES! YES! YES!
First four hours are a slow burn, dude. Wait until the 4-5 hour mark, then it opens up and is nearly non stop gameplay until hour 14.
This is totally fair enough- but The Last Of Us is about 12 hours gameplay to two hours cutscene. This video includes a bunch of the slow, atmospheric gameplay- but this is positively a game game, not a movie game like Uncharted. You should definitely play it if you actually like playing things.
There's no hidden enemy type- the fourth type is the bloater. They keep that under wraps until the bit with Bill where you encounter it.
He meant to comment on the conversation immediately before, wondering what the fourth enemy type is :)
The Last Of Us is not movie like. This video is cutting out about 8 hours of pure, straight action gameplay, which is fucking great, and while it, indeed, looks cinematic, it functions unbelievably well as a game itself. I'd compare it to MGS3 or RDR. It lifts a lot of stylistic themes from movies, but this is not a…