
Initially Shifting feels like an awful gimmick, but believe me, the way the story and gameplay uses it is to great effect. You can, indeed, stay in the one car if you want, though.

I can't see any comparison between The Getaway and Driver. Driver is about 70s style car chases and stunts, and San Francisco delivers on that brilliantly. The Getaway was more like "real life GTA" set in the London crime world. A focus on small chases and gunfights. The Getaway 2 killed the series because it wasn't

Yeah. And I'm definitely now concerned that it's taking so long because the game basically isn't good and they're trying to fix/ improve it enough to make it sellable.

Excellent call.

Yeah I saw that, but they confirmed he's practically not in the singleplayer game. He's playable in challenge rooms, but not the story.

There are 4 playable characters, and if I understand it correctly, you can only play Robin in Challenge mode, but Batman and Catwoman are playable in singleplayer and challenge modes, and we don't know who the 4th is yet.

Good point, but it's still a super ambiguous way of wording it.

That's interesting to hear. Two of my friends said what I said above, and they're extremely hardcore Battlefield players. Good to hear another take. I love the series, but have never played it enough.

Definitely better than nothing. I agree.

Hey, uh, unless you read this elsewhere already:

Definitely. Attention-seeking ASPD ;P

It was Owen Good who said the combat was simple. That pissed me off. He also talked about how, "like Assassins Creed", all you had to do was stand and counter. God, I was grinding my teeth the whole time.

See my comm to MrMrScott.

They said the game isn't really open world, or even free roaming. It's more of an controlled level that's juuust large enough to let you feel the freedom of being Batman, but still lets them utterly control the experience the player has, like they did in AA. I think, between the lines, by this they mean it'll develop

Whoa, whoa whoa.

Confirmed: The above facts are confirmed.

I think about that constantly, too. The proper relationship stuff. I'm not a Christian, and I generally condone it.

But I... They're babies. I thought it wasn't even physically normal for the 'average' person to start that until the teen years. Biologically, I mean. What's the justification for it? (Sorry, cba googling).

I... I know what you mean.

"Of wait studies have found that babies masturbate in the womb."