
Why contain it?

Good idea. Hasn't it already been semi-done? I can't remember what by.

It's not really exaggeration- but if you construct an impression of what it's like in your head before you try it, you might not be scared at all. Just due to the over-hype rule.

"Ooh I don't know who that is- OOH Tifa! Ooh- Old men?! What the actual fuck?!"

Nuns! Baby carriage! Brass band (again)! Swimming guy! Lovers! Gas cannisters! Nuns (again)! Baby carriage (again)! Ducklings!

Yeah, that Adam West one is so fucking good.


Ohhh Goddd

What the hell on the Majora's Mask nomination- it should have totally been the Moon. I recall, as a kid, trying as hard as I could to not look up at the horror, and when I finally did HE'D BE RIGHT THERE SO CLOSE AGH

I thought that for a moment, then suddenly remembered: 'I'm on the internet.' I still hoped...

Haha that's fucking sweet, I honestly bring everyone in the room into my "The King is Evil" nightmare whenever one of those adverts is on TV.

You better code it properly! In that pic up there, the second time Dwayne rings, nothing happens.

I needed space on my PS3 the other day, so I went to remove the MGS4 install data, as I heard it was big.

I thought that.

People keep referring to Metal Gear Solid here- but all of MGS's cutscenes used the in-game engine. Same with all the Halo games, and others, like Bioware's. Sure, the graphics were spruced up a tad as they didn't have to run all the in-game systems at the same time, but it was still the game engine.

But- didn't... Didn't you leave it there just the other week, too?!

Nobody said it requires talent. And because it's random public stuff, often it isn't funny because they don't play up to it. What makes it funny is on-the-spot improv from the actor and (unpredictably random) funny reactions from the public. And how these two ingredients mix together. The improv does require some

He seemed genuinely raging in the last few seconds there.


So the actress playing Quinn in City isn't the same as in Asylum? That sucks, man.