Does your parent company hate you?
Does your parent company hate you?
I always get misty eyes when Michael goes to Pam’s art show. Michael is so awful but in that moment, your heart breaks. “There’s my car! Wow, that’s our building!”
Literally every time I think about them getting married alone under Niagara Falls, I get chills. Like right now. Or when they find out they’re pregnant in the ER. I love them so much it’s probably kind of unhealthy tbh.
who among us doesn’t weep every time he kisses her at casino night... or tells her he’s in love with her... or proposes in the rain at the gas station?
Yes, the floodgate has opened and the stories are coming out. We haven’t heard as many of them in the video game industry yet, but they’re coming. Kotaku is actively working on several investigations right now that will hopefully lead to more harassment getting exposed. (And of course, if anyone reading this has any…
Props for reporting on this - I wouldn’t have heard about it otherwise. It’s good to see that most industries are pulling back the shades on sexual harassment and assault right now.
I’m a man and I hate men right now so I understand
Why this fucking outrage though, my man? If there’s no reason to believe anything happened on HOC, what harm does it do to ask the question?
Maybe try cleaning the shit out of your ears, because allegations about Spacey’s aggressive behavior have been well-known for years. Not sure why Jezebel should be held responsible for your own fucking ignorance.
To be fair, HOC hasn’t made any sense for the past two seasons, so it probably should have ended sooner.
While I agree that the allegation is a “he said, he said,” Spacey’s response makes him appear to be 100% guilty. An innocent person does not immediately try to deflect attention by virtue signalling, which is no different than wrapping yourself in the flag, or Jebus, or what-have-you.
Nothing? Not even this letter about how he “demands” sex from crew members that work for him, over which he likely has substantial power?
“Another to add to the list—my friend’s uncle works on the production team of House of Cards in D.C., and told my friend recently that Spacey regularly solicits the young (early…
This isn’t about just sex with minors, it’s about harassment too. There’s been a lot of rumors that he’s harassed people working on his projects. That’s not ok.
Only in Trump’s America do we actually have to constantly rein in these mouth- breathing cousinfuckers! Good, going, resisters in Tennessee!
When he lists his favorite fast and furious movies that sealed it for me. Although, the order in which he has them ranked most definitely puts him in the bad place, he still lists them and its gold.
Uggggggh i have the giantest crush on Jianyu/Jason. So dumb but also sooooooooooo fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
I started rewatching it last night. It’s so good! It’s just as fun the 2nd time. Also watched it with a friend who didn’t know anything about it. Highly recommend doing that. It was great to see her reactions and commentary.
It took me two tries, but it got me. Especially Kristen Bell.
Can everyone please watch The Good Place? If it gets cancelled I’m going to be so sad. Its such a great show, now go catch up on Netflix!