Kenny Powers

I'm confused, what was mainstream about Captain America? It tried to be darker and distinguish itself almost more of a war film than Marvel superhero movie. It was terrible, but they tried. Teasing a Captain America death when he's attached to 15 Marvel movies?? Come on! Iron Man 2 was awful, Favreau admitted it.

Was this supposed to be one of Rita's monsters from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers?

Bowie Goblin King > Hobbit Goblin King


If this happened in a big soccer match overseas, these refs wouldn't have the opportunity to ref another game. I'm not sure why, but I understand soccer fans have minimal tolerance towards this kind of thing.

False, this was the best Ninja Turtle action figure. "Everybody dance now... everybody dance NOW!" - Gob Bluth

It would be a fitting farewell from Mets fans if they chanted "Chipp-er!" in his final game instead of the infamous "Lar-ry!"

Terrible news about Will Arnett and Amy Poehler. I hope Poehler will still appear in the upcoming Arrested Development season and/or movie.

Thank you kindly for your encouraging and postive reply. Folks can be stuck in their ways and/or used to things being a certain way, when they encounter change or unfamiliarity, they don't know how to handle or deal with change. Maybe some boys aren't exposed to girls who like to play sports or video games when

You can broaden your point by focusing on competition. Males have a feeling of superiority when it comes to competition, especially sports. Everyone knows guys who have to win at everything and/or hate losing. Unfortunately some of these guys have a desire/hate losing to women/girls more. It's their ego.

I propose DC and Marvel treat superheroes like the IOC treats Olympic athletes. They're superior, elite beings, the best in the world in their respective field/sport/powers.

Ramos is 26, earns roughly $20 million a season and plays for one of the best clubs and national teams in the world. I can't speak for him, but I imagine he's content with his gig and won't be trying out for special team duties any time soon.

Now playing

An odd, but applicable example of good and evil not being fixed.

Baseball, hot dogs, Man U and Chevrolet?

Almondo "Muffin" Curry

question for CJA, you described the villain as bland, and I may be alone believing this but shouldn't movies/franchises like Spider-man build/develop their hero's challenges/villains across their trilogies?

If Labyrinth makes the list, so should Brave Little Toaster.

It goes without saying, if the Amazing Spider-man ends with Dr. Connors sacrificing his life to save Peter Parker, Gwen Stacey and NYC/planet Earth, I will not enjoy it as much as I'd like to.