
Oh me too! Thank heavens, I thought I was going mad.

Dear god he’s awful and smarmy and painful to watch and I always feel like I’m the only one who thinks so.

Suffering from SPD too although mine is not as bad as yours. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. I’m sorry yours is so bad!

My friend went through a year’s worth of harassment and meetings and threatened lawsuits because she replaced some window frames with frames that were a slightly lighter brown than the old ones. They claimed it looked bad and then suggested that a workable solution would be to cover them with duct tape that was the

I am the same way about clothes folding and pantry stuff. My mother is coming for a month to help with the new baby and I think it’s crazy that I’m worrying about how she’s going to fold my towels, but here we are. I must have gotten my anxiety from somewhere...

It’s a terrible question. If you don’t really know the person, then it still counts as small talk, because you probably don’t actually care what the answer is. And if someone asked me that question, ostensibly in lieu of small talk, I’d think they were a very strange person to ask me such a question and I’d probably

Some do. The one where I’m from had a vet tech program, a dental hygienist program, and a nursing program among others, in addition to the regular courses for transferring to a bachelor’s program.

Psychologists can diagnose, they are just not able to prescribe medication.

I thought about that. I’m not sure if that might make her uncomfortable too though.

I need some advice!

Also, having Will Smith in them. Dead giveaway. No wonder he felt duped.


Me too. Exactly except I don’t have a guinea pig.

I had honestly forgotten that most store brands were inferior after 6 years of living near a Wegmans. Then I smugly bought generic cereal at a different grocery store while I was on a trip, thinking I was being frugal “Brand name cereal is for >saps<” I thought. I was wrong and it was not frugal, it was inedible.

Baby stuff is such an individual thing, I say, whatever works for the people involved. We didn’t buy a stroller beforehand, figuring that we’d get one if we thought we’d need it and just never ended up really needing it.

Congratulations to you too!

I am also pregnant (34 weeks) and I started to have cervical pain upon reading this.

I would argue that you can get away with zero strollers. We did.

I had a man pull his car over to yell at me to put a hat on my baby. The hat that she had just pulled off her head as we were exiting the building and getting into the car that was parked on the street, just outside the front door of said building.

I also had a man follow me for two blocks yelling at me that it was

Actually, it’s moved to Amazon Prime.