
That’s my plan too! My husband knows and is on board.

I don’t live there anymore - my husband finished his PhD. However I would imagine that my experience with living in Ithaca is not going to really be comparable as those living associated with Weill in NYC. We lived in a comfortable 3 bedroom apartment in the nicest part of Ithaca on my husband’s stipend of around $30k

Cornell has grad student housing (apartments) but it is not subsidized and us just as expensive as anywhere else one might live.

Yes. My folks live in Palo Alto.

It’s a little embarrassing to say it out loud. Surely some of the people involved in the creation have the same feeling. So odd.

Good point.

That shirt did a very poor job of actually being a shirt.

It was really hard to pick just one incident. And he is the best.

When I was 19, my new boyfriend came over for dinner for the first time. My mother, at the time, worked at a spinnaker shop and had recently been charged with making a garter for some co-worker’s wedding. She had made it and brought it home for some reason or another. My dad found it lying on the counter and put it on

You describe a feeling I have been, until now, unable to articulate.

I found a trailer for a terrible soon-to-be-released web series that my husband’s ex-girlfriend stars in with her boyfriend. I am looking at it as objectively as I can and I think it is REALLY awful. The boyfriend’s acting makes my skin crawl, it’s so smarmy. Hers is not much better. I’m posting about it here because

Exactly. Why is this even a fucking question?

I just wanted to tell him that maybe if he didn’t buy one, he wouldn’t need the other. But I just avoided eye contact instead.

An abomination unto the lord.

Once, I was in the 10 items or less line at the grocery store and the guy behind me was unabashedly buying Kraft Lite Singles and stool softener.

Or people who claim to hate onions, yet go to restaurants and eat the food there.

It’s not weird. I dislike it too. I feel like the coldness of the ice cream kind of ruins any flavour - ice cold chocolate doesn’t taste like anything and just gets in the way of enjoying the creaminess of the ice cream.

The gluten story reminds me of a lunch I had with a friend who came and visited me from out of town. She let me know that she really hated garlic and would tolerate it if necessary but could I please avoid it in the meals I cook. It was a little bit of an imposition as I tend to double or triple garlic amounts in

Oh yeah, I don’t make a big deal out of it when he does get anxious (maybe just a, “Hey, she said no. Don’t worry about it.”) I just bring it up later. I certainly don’t want to add to the fuss!