I just pretend that that last season never happened. I watched one episode and then forgot to watch anymore, so it’s been easy to keep up the pretense.
I just pretend that that last season never happened. I watched one episode and then forgot to watch anymore, so it’s been easy to keep up the pretense.
That stuff is absolutely revolting.
My brother’s fucking dog is a gluten-free vegan. I am not kidding.
Every time I glance at a picture of this woman, my mind says, “Liz Lemon Dealbreaker hair” and I think it’s an article about 30 Rock. I know it’s not entirely accurate, but that’s just what my brain keeps telling me.
He just sounded like a cranky old man.
I really dislike that phrasing.
I didn’t buy a stroller for a really long time (my daughter was about 2) and it was because I could no longer carry her everywhere and she is a dawdler. So, if I wanted to run errands on foot (which I prefer), I needed a way to get places quickly.
I dislike referring to couples as pregnant. My husband was not pregnant, I was.
Man. I’m soooo sick and I have zero energy for going anywhere for ice cream but I certainly would love it if some appeared in my freezer right now.
What a jerk! If you’ve been friends, he should have mentioned the girlfriend and then said, “I still want to get drinks”. EW.
I think coconut milk ice cream is vastly superior to soy milk ice cream.
I’m about ready to call uncle in the real estate department. We’ve been looking for nearly a year, made offers on 4 houses and have been thus far, depressingly, unsuccessful. Moving further away would mean purchasing another car and the difference in housing cost would basically be lost by the extra car. I don’t even…
I feel like this is maybe a no-brainer.
That is very thoughtful and kind of you. Or maybe you are just trying to avoid weird drama. Either way, I’m not sure I’d notice something like that, but I bet other people do.
AGREED. Although there is some overlap (in my feed) as to the Ponzi schemes and the too-frequent baby pictures.
This kids are cuter than a lot of the ones in my fb feed.
If you were my fb friend, I would not think it was rude of you not to “like” pictures of my kid.
I thought the same thing. I’m glad someone asked.
Had two at mine. One of them was even the house band. I’m just really good friends with those two and friends with all of the others but one and he is dead.
I’ll be honest guys. I’m scanning these (and did so with the original comment thread) to see if anyone’s story is the other side of mine.