
The line between hardware generations is not always so cut and dry with Nintendo handhelds. The best way I can see to define a "new handheld" vs. just an updated version is whether games made for the new system will play on the old one. By that definition, the GBA and DS Lite were just updates, but the "New 3DS" is a

O.o This IS the new hardware.

All true. However the original work is still likely covered by copyright, and direct clones will still be in violation, correct?

I can't speak to the performance in the snow, but I can tell you that on sand, under-inflating makes an enormous difference.

"but has it really gotten to the point where everybody in random matches is an asshole?"

"Everything coming from Volvo in the next decade or so (apart from their compact that's currently being developed jointly with Chinese-owner Geely) will use the very same technology"

If the app is released for iOS 7 and breaks in iOS 8, it's usually (not always) the developer's fault. If it was released more than one version back and is broken now, most often they did nothing wrong, and just got bit by a framework change.

"Is it supposed to be a loose interpretation of popularity?"

0/10, way too obvious. You won't get many takers for this. Back to troll school for you.

Speaking as someone who wasn't taken in by the original performance (not because I'm super-smart, I just missed the original story), I don't have much of a problem with this, if any real players were involved. The video and articles aren't clear on this point.

But is it worth $360 for those of us still stuck in last-gen mode? Hang on, I'm thinking...

I don't think I've ever had anyone say to me "FTL hard?". I believe there would likely be violence.

Realized that this seems to be targeting crew-smoke, and that wasn't the intent. I'm referring to those assuming Feminism is the subject of Downey's comment.

Gog has most of their games (planescape, the icewind dails, baldur's gates and lionheart). Dark alliance and fallout 2 are the main MIAs.

Let's consider what he could have meant:

Indeed. Is this even debatable?

Indeed. Is this even debatable?

I don't think it was. It looks like the background is real, and only the window texture (including blinds) was rendered with different colors of glass.

Nobody said nuclear is renewable, in fact I specifically excluded it as such. However, many people (myself included) would argue that it is greener than automobile gasoline engines.

Actually, nearly 2/3 of US electricity is generated by natural gas, nuclear, or renewable sources (hydro/wind/solar). In my area, it's nuclear. So no, we don't all "have to use oil/coal". Not really sure why oil is even in there - only 1% of electrical generation uses oil in the US.

You've been listening to the oil company shills, haven't you? Tesla recycles their batteries (extremely efficiently). And yes, for most people, electric cars are vastly cleaner than gasoline cars.…