Funny, I have read in several places that his ownership is not at all clear.
Funny, I have read in several places that his ownership is not at all clear.
"It seems unclear as to whether or not Dillinger owns the rights to these songs."
You are not the only one. After pretty close examination, this photo looks genuine.
I think you misused 'literally' on purpose to get a response. Literally.
I've funded 14 different projects on Kickstarter, and every single one of them has completed or is in full development. You just need to do a modicum of research and apply some critical thinking before plunking down.
What's the alternative? "Mike Tomlin creepily still following cut players as they join other teams?"
"The brain is a whore when it comes to challenge rewards"
You forgot 'guy who only visits when he forgets to order a game from Amazon'
The subject of the sentence is "the title princess". That doesn't make the clue wrong in any way, nor does it somehow mean that the princess' name is the correct response. The clue is not ambiguous in the slightest, and reads clearly as proper English. I expect they would have taken the full name of any of the…
None of the touted features need to be removed. There would seem to be no reason they can't support each and every cool feature described... with digital game downloads.
How does it make sense to evaluate the 1 million unit lag behind the Wii in the context of the entire 40 million unit lifespan? That would require the assumption that from this point on, the Wii-U is going to magically leap forward and match the Wii's sales month to month going forward.
I haven't been clamoring, but definitely a day-one purchase for me.
The adjustment doesn't occur every block, it's actually every 2016 blocks (generally ~ 2 weeks). So, if hash power suddenly doubled, we'd see bitcoins being mined roughly every 5 minutes for one week. Conversely, if hash power suddenly halved, we'd see bitcoins mined roughly every 20 minutes for about four weeks.
There's no way to solve 99.9% of a block - miners are trying bruteforce random attempts to solve the block. Each attempt either succeeds or it does not. A failure tells you nothing about how to try again - you just pick a new random nonce and try again.
Galaxy would like a word with you.
There are two rules to follow in order to avoid committing a sexual harassment:
1) Be attractive
Check again.
Wait, were we actually supposed to believe that EA can afford to provide more than a standard consumer CPU's worth of processing PER CONCURRENT USER? That alone is absurd. The cost would be astronomical. Online games such as WoW are highly optimized to require the smallest possible amount of server processing time…
You forgot: