This is ridiculous. Medicaid, while being a state run program, accepts federal money in order to operate; therefore, they have to follow the federal guidelines, which means that cannot terminate their agreement with Planned Parenthood.
This is ridiculous. Medicaid, while being a state run program, accepts federal money in order to operate; therefore, they have to follow the federal guidelines, which means that cannot terminate their agreement with Planned Parenthood.
I’m disappointed by the lack of barbers on the list.
The vagina dentata jokes just write themselves here.
TLDR you’re a racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic dick for even so much as questioning my questioning of a post. You are a binary, cis, hatemongrrrr. Enjoy your lunch.
What they did wrong was tackle someone and cuff them for no damn reason. They legit could have confused Blake for their suspect but the guy was an identity thief, not an armed robber. Approach him and ask for ID for crying out loud. This isn't a life-or-death situation.
Uh The NYPD still have some splannin to do. How the hell are you tackling a man who is standing still? Did the officer in question even identify himself? What the fuck is wrong with law enforcement that they feel the need to defend EVERY fucking action one of their own takes? It must be nice to work in the only…
They do look similar. Except the person in the photo had nothing to do with the credit card fraud. And even the police commissioner had concerns about “the inappropriateness of the amount of force that was used during the arrest.” (per the NYT article)
Right. And identity theft suspects are known to be violent and aggressive. You have to tackle them to the ground and hold them for at least 15 minutes or lives will be lost.
The video cuts right before she apologized to the umpire and went over for a handshake and then pulled it away quickly saying, “Too slow.”
BMI is a system used to evaluate health not physical appearance. Overweight on BMI is overweight medically. Suggesting your dietary and lifestyle choices are negatively affecting your health. If you feel physically attractive then that’s fine. But if your BMI indicates a classification of “overweight” it suggests a…
with the results varying from nearly-anorexic (China and Italy) to technically overweight (hi, Spain)
Yeah, because making fun of a festival, that’s right up there with telling crude jokes about black people.
All of which who are doing the urinating will be MEN. Women, don’t drop knickers and crouch in the street to take a piss. MEN just whip it out - all the time and then touch money, doors, food etc. Vile. Women don’t urinate in public.
Oh look guys, take everything serious on the internet man has arrived!
Bring it, you gentrifying sons of bitches!
Just strip the sheathing off the wires at the base of random light poles around the city.
Problem solved.
SNIPERS on his front lawn? For (what turned out to be false) alleged robbery? Jesus Christ.
Kids are basically proof that racism and homophobia are learned behaviors. You're not born with them.
""They got them back because of me being a superhero." Abby Dean: Superhero and not here for your racist bullshit."
You keep on fighting the good fight, Abby. Truth and Justice need you on their side.