
Sure, Mum multitasked. But she sure as fuck wasn't sitting around thinking of me and my brothers EVERY MOMENT OF THE DAY like the Mrs Dingledork above brags about. And when she was behind the wheel she, uhhh, WATCHED THE ROAD. You know, for other cars, deer, runaway tractors, out of control combines, loose cows and

i read the in depth article in the previous article. Cried, cried, cried. I might cry now thinking about it. One line, the worst an activist for car safety has seen...that's in my mind forever now.

Do you feel like that comment added anything of value to the conversation? Does making a veiled judgement about my parenting skill or suggesting I love some inanimate object more than my son give you some sort of perverse thrill? Are you just mean? Lately I am aghast at the women I run across here. It seems like it's

I know, and there's not even a bad guy to hate. Doesn't even seem right for the father to be charged for what was obviously a horrible accident and not neglect.

There is no way to plan for that sort of thing, is there? And theres not really any survivable way of preventing it aside from living in a bunker made of pillows or something and never, ever leaving and never, ever letting your kids leave.

No, actually, it's an equal mix. But that's okay, keep spouting your sexist bullshit that damages society even worse.

It’s called empathy. You should try it.

A friend of mine forgot her baby in the car (but only for a few minutes, luckily), and here's how it happened: she'd had a long day at work and was coming down with a cold, so was exhausted. We all met for dinner every Friday night and they almost always brought their baby, but her husband usually drove the kid

Stop talking, you mincing fucking, BORING CUNT

Whenever I see one of these stories, it makes my heart ache so bad. I just cannot imagine that kind of pain. I know that people think that when this happens it's the cause of irresponsible parenting and "HOW COULD ANYONE DO THAT??!?!" but I have to be honest - I am a sleep-deprived mother of a 13 month old and I could

You should be in driving mode, if anything. You must not have a job that requires intellect or responsibility.

Theres a big difference between handing your kid a tablet or putting on Bananas In Pajamas to occupy them for the duration of the trip and spending the majority of your time behind the wheel focusing on talking/singing to someone behind you and/or staring into the rearview mirror.

More like its called being a sanctimonious twat that bleats about spending every waking second obsessing over her kids... And to gloat about how much time she spends looking in the rear mirror instead of where shes going, yeah- THATS something we should all aspire to.

Sounds like you spent more time yakking to your kids and starting at them instead of paying attention to where the helicopter was going. Lucky you never crashed with all that distracted driving.

Bitch be trollin hard all night by the looks of it. The mommy blog she runs will suffer if she wastes much more time schooling Jezzies on how to be a perfect parent.

You're wasting your time with this one. They're your standard self-righteous scold who has deluded themselves into thinking the lack of fatal mistakes in their lives is solely the product of their own actions and not any part luck. By now the scold has put a good bit of their self-worth into this fantasy and so

"Humans, Hickling said, have a fundamental need to create and maintain a narrative for their lives in which the universe is not implacable and heartless, that terrible things do not happen at random, and that catastrophe can be avoided if you are vigilant and responsible.

Oh please, he was also driving to work after so he could have easily been in work mode already. But keep judging the poor guy, makes you look really good.

I'm glad it never happened to you. It's happened to other people. Smart, caring, people, from across the human spectrum. Also: You sound like a dick.

Leave your phone, your purse or your wallet next to the kid, in the back. Leave a bear or plush something in the passenger seat that you then sit in the car seat when you take the kid out.