Every single interview, every tantrum report, she just seems like such an asshole.
Every single interview, every tantrum report, she just seems like such an asshole.
weather you like it out or not
Ok Mr. “I’m not a bigot, them’s just the facts”. Let’s talk about that poll.
Absolutely insane that terrorist attacks in the West would resonate with people in the West. I just can’t fathom it.
The attempts by authors (such as the one of the articles that Billy quoted) to equate bad deeds by omission as justification for bad behavior now is complete and total bullshit. Should there have been moment of silences or ability to change your FB photo to show solidarity with Turkey after the Ankara attack or…
I mean, I like referring to them as dickbags. THAT IS WHAT WE SHOULD GO WITH!
Are you implying people that just survived something that traumatic are selfish for wishing for their own survival?
Alas, no he is not mine This noble pooch was posing to honor the ultimate sacrifice of French police dog, Diesel. A female terror suspect killed herself and Diesel by detonating a suicide vest during the raids in St. Denis, France today. At least this is the story among early reports.
You’re not missing anything. In fact, quite the opposite: you're inventing something that isn't there: in this case outrage.
Yeah, don't count me on your team. I can think microaggressions and safe spaces are silly and think you're an asshole. I'm cool like that.
Alright, I’m going to throw this out here and probably be killed for it but here it goes. I’m a WOC and I have no issue with the master title. The idea of an academic master started at the individual colleges of Oxford and Cambridge. It is a term used throughout the world at various educational institutions. Do I find…
I’m embarrassed for them, and I wasn’t even there. It reminded me of my husband’s previous boss, who had a temdency to cry during stressful meetings. He really liked her, and had a great deal of respect for her, but always said she looked terribly weak when she let her emotions get the best of her.
Yes, you’re absolutely right. I just think if you’re among the students who are leading this discussion and engaging with the administration to present a list of the issues you see on campus and possible ways to address these problems, you’ll need all the credibility you can muster. Tears aren’t going to get you…
The ‘out of control of their bodies’ thing really got me too. If you are at Yale, “falling out” is the wrong way to react to a meeting. If you can’t keep yourself from dissolving into a blubbering, flailing heap in front of someone you want to persuade right now, what are you going to do after school? Are you going to…
I have a lot of sympathy for Dean Halloway. you don’t get to be one of a very few Black men with a PhD from Yale, get tenure, and get a prestigious job as Dean by being the kind of person who breaks down emotionally in public. I’m sure he feels sympathy for students. He’s in a better position than anyone to know how…
The Ivy League is supposed to prepare them for a life in the halls of power and influence. That they cannot get through a simple civil meeting without mentally breaking down does not speak well of their future prospects—not just in Yale, but in the boardroom and the courtroom. The people they run across after they…
I was also struck by this. Somehow if the administration and faculty don’t show visible emotion in a professional context they lack empathy or the ability to listen and consider what they’re hearing? I’m sure I’ll get slammed in the comments for this, but this sounded like a breach of decorum on the part of the…
The response of the students to their meeting with school executives is embarrassing. They’re complaining about a lack of “empathy” from people that are acting professionally. These aren’t their therapists; it’s the goddamn DEAN OF THE SCHOOL..