You have summed up my past week perfectly- Bless you.
You have summed up my past week perfectly- Bless you.
Oddly, I always assumed he was dating his publicist.
Honesty Alert: I’m lower end of middle aged, happily married, and will freely admit that Tom Hiddleston (with a beard) and an active imagination have done wonders for my sexual well-being these past few years. I like the guy.
THAT BEING SAID- This looks like it is staged up the wazoo. Why shouldn’t it? They can get…
I need to have a comment thread dedicated to just processing Cat Marnell because it still just boggles my mind.
THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!!! I love Tom to the stars, but he has been given a hot dude pass on this.
Ohmigod! Going to Southdale at Christmas was the most wonderful experience ever-with all the birds in the center court and the giant tree. Daytons also used to create a Christmas adventure of some sort every year that I was obsessed with as a kid.
I gotta hand it to Kirk- he knows how to keep his name out there.
“He was a little, fast motherf*cker” - My son’s rec basketball coach who played for Washburn at the same time.
I’m worried that it was pain killers since he had both his hips replaced.
oLD 97'S- I totally forgot that I loved them! How does that happen?
Martha saying:
I CANNOT WAIT to hear Nina Totenburg do the recap on NPR this evening. I’m just gonna eat some popcorn and drink some and toast these 3 women for even partially evening the playing field.
Exactly. I have been on WW for 2 years- I have lost 50 pounds. It’s not a miracle cure, but if you choose to view it the right way, it is a very good program for changing your relationship with food.
That was not unusual for the time period, though. My grandma barely saw her mother after she got married in the 20's, and they only lived sixty miles away. I remember telling my grandma how awful that was and she just shrugged and said that if you were a rural farm wife, that was just how it was. Grandma also…
Please come and be Minnesota State Patrol’s new public information officer..
Saw that person on Monday at Arbor Lakes... cargo shorts, chambray shirt, no socks, Cabela’s baseball cap and a pack of Camels. I was so bundled up I could barely get in and out of the car.
Fucking A.