Wow...did we just fall back into 1988? Because I am pretty sure that was the last time that anyone took Morrissey seriously...
Wow...did we just fall back into 1988? Because I am pretty sure that was the last time that anyone took Morrissey seriously...
Oh no...I was just skimming through Avengers on my computer a minute ago.
Oh Hiddles..I wish I could quit you. He is, however the greatest thing to happen to Shakespeare in a loooong time. I got about 8 teenage girls in a tutor group for Lit. and they are totally willing to delve into sonnetts when TH reads them, totally into Henry the V when TH plays him and so on..Hopefully it will stick.
I work in public safety, so I am working tomorrow. I am also making a shit ton of money for my troubles. When I was in school, I worked retail and it was unheard of to have to work unless you worked at a movie theater or a gas station. I guess I can look back that I was fortunate to have some sort of breather before…
Every celebrity should have "Be on time, be courteous" tattooed on them somewhere. If you have anything that qualifies as an entourage or "people" at your beck and call to help you all damn day, you freaking show up on time. It's not like she missed the train or something.
Everything about this is awesome, but since I am older than fucking hell I am most excited about Peter Frampton. He is still on my gimme list.
Meh. I am a strictly middle class gal and I had a deb ball in St Paul in the 80's. They evolved into charity events a long time ago. Basically it was an excuse for my dad and his KC or Sons of Ireland cronies to get together, party, raise money and get some publicity. I had to take some kind of Miss Manners…
Well, every kid looks fat in a snowsuit, which is usually what is underneath most kid costumes up in that neck of the woods.
I actually gasped aloud at my desk when I saw that picture.
Oh god..the tackiness of it all! IT BURNS!! IT BURNS!!!
This. You know how you have a friend who you love to bits, but whenever they are with their partner you just want to roll your eyes, barf a little, then slam your hand in a car door? This is how I feel about those two. Neil can a author vacuum intruction manual, and I would read it 6 times and guard it with possibly…
Honestly, Amanda Palmer would insert herself into a bake off if she thought it would give her more publicity. I am sick to death of her and Neil Gaiman.
Holy god...If one were so inclined, they could go to Schlotzky's and get their Monte Crisco and then go get a Cinnabon for dessert? All in one place? That combo right there is a cluster bomb of horrible thinngs that just might rework your DNA.
I know! Andrew Morton needs to climb down from his mountain of money and write a book on them. might have helped, but the cynic in me thinks that Les Moonves probably helped a bit more.
Hey, when Simon LeBon first got I don't even want to tell you what I did to that (Claire, I believe?) girl's picture. Age 13 is the freaking worst.
A random sampling difficult subjects I sprung on my Mom from approx 1979- 1986 thanks to Judy Blume:
Fuck that noise. no matter how much they win, they will never be the North Stars. WE INTEND TO HOLD THAT OVER THEM FOREVER!!!
I just about fell out of my chair laughing. (..and yes, I am a 12 yo boy)