‘course they would - Japanese blueprints...
‘course they would - Japanese blueprints...
are you, like, taking this seriously?
I meant that objectively, boff is better than boink.
I don’t know. He seems like a pretty boy; certainly he had to see some action just based on that...
I prefer “boffed”. It still is a little crass sounding, which is in-context. But a little less swear-wordy. Boink, which I also like, is a little more friendly sounding, which doesn’t hold up in context...
I’d like to believe that, but I am very worried. Otherwise normal “conservatives” are lining up behind him in growing numbers. Voter ID BS and gerrymandering are in high gear. But the most perplexing thing to me are the throngs of Christians lining up behind him. It’s looking like a giant cluster-f*ck to me...
Where will the money to run Trump TV come from? The Don won’t pay for it...
First pic looks a bit line an angry ben affleck...
There’s some smarts in this design concept. In a shooting war in Europe (where this airplane was originally intended to fly), airfields would be prime targets. The side that could operate on unprepared fields would be the side flying the most...
No sir, I don’t like it.
death by money
I’m giving you 4 points for that.
Nothing like a poisonous workplace.
Get the fuck out and make way for Hillary. Because Hillary is the best and we all just love her, yes?
Then maybe it’s a Chevy Citation.
We’re also talking about Mick Jagger, Alice Cooper, Kiss, the Beatles, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and Kanye, and every single other rock star, ever, right? I mean it’s not just about the recently dead guy, is it?
I get that, but I was an adult when that happened, and while I thought is was wrong that he got away with a grizzly murder, I wasn’t really against the verdict.
Not that they get screwed the worst by the man, or anything.
Intolerable, unforgivable, irresponsible!